Daily Horoscope: July 2, 2021
July 1, 2021The moon is in fearless fire sign Aries today, encouraging us to trust our instincts and take action! The moon makes a helpful connection with communication planet Mercury at 12:12 PM, and it’s a good time to reflect on and discuss our feelings.
All times ET.

The moon is in your sign today, Aries, helping you connect with your emotions. The moon mingles with messenger planet Mercury, helping you communicate how you feel.

Take it slow today as the moon moves through Aries. Catch up on rest and quality time alone. The moon connects with Mercury, encouraging communication.

You’re in the mood to socialize as the moon moves through fire sign Aries! You’re in an especially chatty mood as the moon connects with your ruling planet Mercury.

You’re focused on your career today as the moon moves through Aries. Your imagination and creativity are boosted as the moon mingles with messenger planet Mercury.

The moon is in fellow fire sign Aries today, finding you in an adventurous mood! Exciting meetings take place as the moon connects with Mercury. Brilliant ideas are shared.

You’re cutting ties with the past today as the moon moves through Aries. The moon connects with your ruling planet Mercury, helping you sort out plans concerning your career.

The moon is in your opposite sign Aries today, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart. Helpful energy flows around communication as the moon connects with Mercury.

Logistics are sorted out as the moon in fire sign Aries connects with messenger planet Mercury. It’s a fantastic time to tackle your to-do list.

The moon is in fellow fire sign Aries, illuminating the romance and creativity sector of your chart! Helpful energy flows around communication in your relationships as the moon connects with Mercury.

You’re focused on home and family today as the moon moves through Aries. The moon connects with Mercury, helping you get organized and inspiring a productive mood.

Today is all about communication as the moon moves through Aries, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules the mind, and connects with messenger planet Mercury.

The moon in Aries finds you focused on finances and security today, Pisces. Helpful conversations about your home or family take place as the moon mingles with Mercury.
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