Daily Horoscope: June 26, 2021
June 25, 2021The moon in Capricorn meets Pluto at 3:36 AM, stirring up deep emotions, and we’re reaching out for love and support as the moon opposes Venus at 8:49 AM. The moon enters logical air sign Aquarius at 10:09 AM, encouraging us to take a cool approach.
All times ET.

You’re focused on your friendships today as the moon enters Aquarius. Emotionally, you’re also reflecting on your hopes for the future. The moon in Aquarius encourages you to take a detached, logical look at things.

Your career and reputation are on your mind today as the moon enters Aquarius. What do you want to be remembered for, Taurus? The moon in Aquarius inspires you to try something new!

The moon enters fellow air sign Aquarius today, inspiring you to switch up your routine. It’s an exciting time to travel or plan your next trip. Philosophical conversations take place as an intellectual energy flows.

The moon enters cool Aquarius today, encouraging you to take a detached look at the world. It’s a powerful time to settle a debt, or forgive and forget something.

The moon enters your opposite sign Aquarius today, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart. It’s a powerful time to connect with partners and learn more about their point of view!

The moon enters Aquarius today, helping you get organized and inspiring you to reflect on your daily habits. It’s a great time to rearrange your schedule.

The moon enters fellow air sign Aquarius today, inspiring a playful and creative atmosphere! A flirtatious and fun energy flows! Focus on enjoying yourself today, Libra.

Your attention turns to home and family as the moon enters Aquarius. This is a great time to energetically cleanse your home, and reflect on the past and how far you’ve come.

The moon enters Aquarius today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart. It’s a powerful time to reflect on your emotions and to discuss or journal about your feelings.

The moon enters Aquarius today, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules money, your belongings, and your sense of security. Make time to reflect on your wants, needs, and budget today.

The moon enters your sign today, Aquarius! It’s a powerful time to get in touch with your emotions, express your needs, and focus on caring for yourself.

The moon enters Aquarius, encouraging you to catch up on rest. Get some quality me-time if you haven’t had space to be alone with your thoughts.
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