Daily Horoscope: May 22, 2021
May 21, 2021The moon in Libra connects with Saturn at 8:11 PM, encouraging us to reflect on our boundaries and think about what kind of support we want in our lives. Logical Mercury clashes with the planet fantasy, Neptune, at 10:43 PM, which may find us feeling confused or distracted—find ways to quiet your mind. A gentle escape, like watching a movie or simply cozying up in bed, might be just what you need right now.
All times ET.

Mercury clashes with the planet of illusions, Neptune, so you may need a minute to figure out what’s true and what’s fantasy. Take time to gather information and simply rest your mind. The moon is in Libra, encouraging you to ask for the support you need.

Chatty Mercury clashes with intuitive Neptune, encouraging you to slow down so you can sit with your thoughts. There may be some confusion. The moon in Libra encourages you to focus on getting grounded—Libra, the scales, is all about balance, so do what you need to do in order to find peace today.

Your ruling planet Mercury squares off with hazy Neptune, finding you unsure about the direction you want to take your career. You’re rethinking how you want the public to perceive you and what you want your reputation to be. The moon is in fellow air sign Libra, encouraging you to take a break and have fun!

Messenger planet Mercury clashes with psychic Neptune, and you might feel confused about whether to trust the information you’re receiving from others, versus your own intuition. Take it slow and don’t rush to conclusions today. The moon is in air sign Libra, encouraging you to focus on home and family.

You’re rethinking how much time, energy, money, and even faith you want to invest in things as Mercury clashes with hazy Neptune. You’re not sure what to think right now, and it’s best you don’t rush things. The moon in intellectual air sign Libra helps communication along.

You ruling planet Mercury clashes with the planet of fantasy and illusion, Neptune, finding you working out confusion in your partnerships. Now isn’t the time to make promises; you’re still collecting information and figuring out what you think, so don’t rush things. The moon is in air sign Libra, encouraging you to get real about your budget, too.

Communication planet Mercury clashes with dreamy Neptune, creating a confusing atmosphere around scheduling and making plans. Keep things flexible. The moon is in your sign today, Libra, encouraging you to reflect on what you need in order to feel safe and comfortable.

Logical Mercury clashes with intuitive Neptune, finding you reassessing your hunches and assumptions. Keep paranoia in check, and find ways to get grounded. The moon is in air sign Libra, encouraging you to catch up on rest.

Chatty Mercury clashes with dreamy Neptune, making for an imaginative atmosphere—but do watch out for exaggerations and fibs. The moon is in air sign Libra, inspiring a social atmosphere.

Messenger planet Mercury squares off with hazy Neptune, which may mean confusion as you try to communicate and organize your schedule. Keep things flexible today. The moon is in air sign Libra, encouraging you to reflect on your long-term plans.

Logical Mercury squares off with fantastical Neptune, creating a confusing energy around communication: Go slow, don’t believe everything you hear, and take a light approach. The moon is in fellow air sign Libra, encouraging you to consider the big picture.

You’re wondering whether you can trust your intuition as Mercury clashes with your ruling planet Neptune. Take it slow today, Pisces! Notice whether nostalgia is swaying your decision making process. The moon in Libra encourages you to release the past.
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