Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, May 2021
May 1, 2021The sun in Taurus illuminates the romance and creativity sector of your chart, making this a time of pleasure and celebration! Taurus is all about sensuality: How are you accessing deep physical joy lately, Capricorn?
Important realizations and juicy conversations take place on May 2 as messenger planet Mercury in Taurus connects with power planet Pluto, which is currently in your sign, Capricorn. Mercury is the planet of information, and its harmonious connection with Pluto, the planet of the underworld, helps us understand things on a much deeper level—this is a powerful moment to discuss deep desires and emotions! In your love life, you and your partners may be bonding in a powerful way, and in your artistic pursuits, creative blocks may be broken through as you access a deep well of creative genius! Also on May 2, Venus in Taurus connects with Neptune in Pisces, creating a marvelously romantic atmosphere! It’s such a sweet time for flirtation, and for sharing dreams and fantasies.
Mercury clashes with Jupiter in Aquarius, and the sun clashes with your ruling planet Saturn, also in Aquarius, on May 3. Mercury’s clash with Jupiter makes for a fun, abundant energy, but some over-estimations or exaggerations may take place. Be careful with your spending on this day. The sun’s clash with Saturn may find you running into obstacles. The energy has its ups and downs: Jupiter influences optimism, but Saturn’s favorite word is “no”…find balance! Make mature, rational choices, and don’t take Saturn’s obstacles as a sign that you’re not “good enough”—even though it may feel that way as Saturn clashes with the sun, which rules ego in astrology. Also on May 3, Mercury enters Gemini, helping you get organized and arrange your schedule.
Venus and Pluto connect on May 6, bringing a powerfully passionate atmosphere: This is an intense time for deep emotional bonding with lovers, and for cathartic creative work. Some of the problems you’ve been worried about may seem totally meaningless right now in the light of the spiritually transformative energy flowing. You’re gaining a much better understanding about what’s important to you. Venus and Jupiter clash on May 8, kicking up a fun atmosphere, but be careful not to over-indulge or over-spend. Also on May 8, Venus enters Gemini, inspiring you to bring more beauty into your everyday life: Enjoy some flowers in your workspace, or go for a run in nature rather than working out in the light of your computer screen. Venus in Gemini is a great time to update your beauty routine, too!
A new moon in fellow earth sign Taurus arrives on May 11, marking the start of a new cycle in your love life and artistic pursuits, and Mars in Cancer connects with Uranus in Taurus on this new moon, finding you and your partners (in love, as well as in art) in the mood to experiment. Mercury connects with your ruling planet Saturn on May 12, inspiring a supportive energy for communication, especially when it comes to discussing money. The sun connects with Neptune on May 13, boosting your intuition and creativity.
Also on May 13, lucky Jupiter enters Pisces, finding you noticing an uptick in communication—this is a busy time for connection! Jupiter in Pisces may find you connecting with your neighborhood, perhaps getting involved with a scene or cause. Intellectually, Jupiter in Pisces bodes well for your studies, and psychologically, your way of thinking about things may undergo a transformation as your mind opens up to new ideas and experiences. Pisces is the sign of limitlessness, and as expansive Jupiter enters this water sign, your mind and awareness grow!
Mercury begins its pre-retrogade shadow period on May 14: Take note of the conversations and ideas that arrive, because they’ll likely be reworked once Mercury retrograde begins toward the end of the month. The sun connects with Pluto on May 17, again making it a powerful moment for artistic expression, personal transformation, and intense passion in your love life.
Venus connects with Saturn on May 19, which bodes well for discussing plans and commitments—and the money needed to make them happen! Gemini season begins on May 20, finding you in a busy mood, handling your to-do list, and focusing on wellness and productivity. If you’re looking for a new gig or excited about a project you’re working on, Gemini season’s spritely energy will bolster you! The sun clashes with Jupiter on May 21, which could find you adding too much to your itinerary, so be cautious about your commitments, and watch out for miscommunications as Mercury clashes with Neptune on May 22. Saturn retrograde begins on May 23, finding you rethinking how you organize and approach your finances.
The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on May 26, which could find you restless and unable to sleep, and when you are able to drift off, your dreams might be especially active and filled with intriguing symbols. This eclipse is a hugely powerful time for letting go of the past, processing emotions, and doing therapy work. Eclipses are highly emotional, and any feelings you have repressed may come to the surface: Make time to sit with your feelings, no matter how intense they are, and acknowledge them. Enlist the help of a counselor if you must; there’s no need for you to go through this process alone (especially if you are feeling alone!). Things may never be the same after this eclipse—and that can be a good thing!
Venus squares off with Neptune on May 27, which could bring a very sensitive atmosphere. Sweet messages are exchanged, but insecurities also abound. The energy is much lighter when Mercury and Venus meet on May 29. Also on this day, Mercury begins its retrograde, which is likely to turn your schedule upside down! Plans are canceled and rescheduled. Now isn’t the time to start new projects, sign contracts, travel, or make big purchases; however, it could be a great time to pick up a project that was put on the back burner. A project, gig, or task from long ago may reappear for you to re-do, or to bring you a second chance. Mars connects with Neptune on May 31, which helps things move along, despite Mercury retrograde’s frustrations. Mars and Neptune’s connection inspires productivity but also gentleness.
Good luck this month, Capricorn, and see you in June!