Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius, May 2021
May 1, 2021The sun in Taurus is illuminating the home and family sector of your chart, encouraging you to get cozy at home, entertain your loved ones, and even lean into your spiritual practice and connect with your ancestors. You may be in a nostalgic mood at this time; it’s a lovely season for revisiting the past.
Mercury in Taurus connects with Pluto in Capricorn on May 2, creating a powerful energy for communication. Mercury is the planet of the mind, and Pluto of the underworld: When they make a harmonious connection, deep conversations take place, and we explore secret, profound, or even ineffable topics. This is a potent time to vent and release the past! On a more practical and mundane level, this may find you having frank conversations about family, shared resources (like money), and security. Also on May 2, Venus and Neptune connect, which inspires a dreamy, romantic atmosphere and encourages peacefulness and sympathy.
Mercury clashes with Jupiter in Aquarius, and the sun clashes with Saturn, also in your sign, on May 3. Jupiter is the planet of growth, but Saturn’s favorite word is “no,” and as Jupiter clashes with the planet of communication, and Saturn with the symbol for the ego, plenty of optimistic, unchecked proclamations are made, while bruised egos also abound. It’s a tricky moment! The best way to approach the day is with a measured, mature attitude. When it comes to situations outside of your close circles, don’t take things personally (that shouldn’t be too hard for you, my dear aloof Aquarius!). Also on this day, Mercury enters Gemini, which may bring some fun news or invitations to celebrations!
Venus and Pluto connect on May 6, perhaps finding you acquiring something special and rare, and loads of fun arrives as Venus and Jupiter square off on May 8. Just watch out for over-indulgence! The party continues as Venus enters Gemini also on May 8, boding very well for your artistic pursuits and your love life! This is a fantastic time to flirt, connect with your lovers, and simply enjoy life!
The new moon in Taurus arrives on May 11, which could find you moving, or redoing or sprucing up your space in some special way. It’s a wonderful time to clean up! Toss out the trash and change your sheets! New moons are a new beginning, and this new moon is activating a sector of your chart that rules your past. What are you ready to let go of, Aquarius? What new start do you want at home? This new moon also finds Mars in Cancer connecting with your ruling planet Uranus in Taurus, inspiring you to shake up your everyday routine. Some exciting upgrades may arrive!
Mercury connects with Saturn on May 12, creating a supportive energy around making plans for the future, and the sun connects with Neptune on May 13, inspiring a creative, abundant energy that may benefit your sense of wealth or security. Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13, activating the financial sector of your chart, finding you embarking on a journey to expand your sense of comfort and material wealth. Your imagination is one of your most valuable assets, and you may be reminded of this as Jupiter enters intuitive water sign Pisces. Mercury begins its pre-retrogade shadow period on May 14, so pay attention to the ideas and discussions that start percolating, as they’ll likely be reconsidered after Mercury begins its retrograde toward the end of the month.
The sun connects with Pluto on May 17, inspiring a fantastic atmosphere for deep personal transformation: This is a powerful moment for release, and there is a supportive energy in the air as Venus connects with Saturn on May 19. The sun enters fellow air sign Gemini on May 20, marking the beginning of a celebratory season. This period is all about joy! Spending time with people you love and doing things that inspire and delight you is what this moment is all about—just try not to spend too much cash as the sun clashes with Jupiter on May 21, and watch out for confusion when Mercury squares off with Neptune on May 22. Saturn retrograde begins on May 23, which might find you reflecting on and restructuring some of the commitments and responsibilities you’ve entered since the beginning of the year.
The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on May 26, bringing a climax to a situation that’s been building in your social life. Eclipses have a destined feeling about them, and the friendships you end or begin may feel “meant to be.” Your social circle may be transforming and you might receive some information or begin to understand something about the groups and communities you belong to in a totally new way. Emotionally, a dream or vision you had for your life may be materializing, or you could find that something you hoped for isn’t that important to you anymore—or maybe you have a new dream for the future that’s coming into view! Venus and Neptune square off on May 27, putting people in a sensitive mood. You want to feel like people are invested in you, and Neptune’s aura of uncertainty could find you questioning everything. Take it slow and don’t jump to conclusions—notice what you feel uneasy about, and commit to working on it long-term rather than looking for immediate solutions.
Mercury meets Venus on May 29, bringing a burst of romance and creative inspiration, but Mercury retrograde also begins on this day, which could find you navigating delays and misunderstandings. You might run into some people from the past over the next few weeks. Avoid starting new projects, signing contracts, traveling, or making important purchases if you can, but do carve out plenty of time to rest, and to simply have fun! Keep your plans flexible and reconnect with people you haven’t spent time with in a while. Mars connects with Neptune on May 31, inspiring a productive yet gentle atmosphere.
Good luck this month, Aquarius, and see you in June!