Daily Horoscope: May 2, 2021
May 1, 2021The moon in Capricorn connects with Venus at 12:42 AM, inspiring an affectionate atmosphere, and our intuitions get a boost as the moon connects with Neptune at 2:16 AM. Mercury connects with Pluto at 5:19 AM, encouraging us to get right to the point—and doing so may have a transformative result!
The moon meets Pluto at 9:54 AM, stirring up deep emotions: Express them, don’t repress them. The moon’s connection with Mercury at 10:38 AM helps us with communication, and the moon enters logical Aquarius at 3:31 PM. Venus connects with Neptune at 6:38 PM, inspiring a romantic atmosphere.
All times ET.

Information and hard-to-access resources may come your way as Mercury connects with Pluto. Venus mingles with Neptune, making for a dreamy, romantic day that’s lovely for gift giving!

A communication breakthrough may take place as Mercury connects with Pluto. Your ruling planet Venus connects with dreamy Neptune, making for a romantic atmosphere!

Breakthroughs could take place as your ruling planet Mercury connects with the planet of transformation, Pluto. You’re feeling adventurous as the moon enters Aquarius. Venus connects with Neptune, inspiring a creative flow.

Mercury connects with Pluto, finding you having deep and powerful conversations with your partners. Venus connects with Neptune, inspiring a sweet, open-hearted atmosphere.

Mercury connects with Pluto, creating a productive atmosphere. It’s a powerful time to network and share ideas. Venus connects with Neptune, helping you smooth over awkward situations.

Your ruling planet Mercury connects with Pluto, finding you having powerful conversations—a breakthrough may arrive! A romantic, creatively inspired atmosphere flows as Venus meets Neptune.

A conversation changes everything as Mercury connects with Pluto. Your ruling planet Venus connects with Neptune, inspiring a graceful atmosphere.

Mercury connects with your ruling planet Pluto, finding you having frank, deep conversations with your partners. Venus connects with Neptune, inspiring romance and whimsy!

Mercury connects with Pluto, finding you having important conversations about money. Communication gets a boost as the moon enters logical air sign Aquarius. Venus connects with Neptune, inspiring a sentimental atmosphere.

Mercury connects with Pluto and Venus connects with Neptune, finding you having intriguing conversations about power and pleasure. Secrets may be shared!

Mercury connects with Pluto, boosting your intuitive abilities. The moon enters your sign today, encouraging you to connect with your feelings. Venus connects with Neptune, inspiring sweet vibes at home.

Mercury connects with Pluto, finding you connecting with powerful people, and romance is in the air as sweet Venus connects with your ruling planet Neptune!
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