Daily Horoscope: April 24, 2021
April 23, 2021The planet of the mind, Mercury, and the planet of genius, Uranus, meet at 2:42 AM, marking the start of a brilliant new conversation. Unexpected news may arrive! The moon in Virgo connects with Pluto at 6:50 AM, helping us explore deep emotions. The moon enters air sign Libra at 12:06 PM, encouraging us to try to get along—even though we may feel quite confrontational or argumentative as the moon clashes with Mars at 1:19 PM.
All times ET.

Surprising news about money may arrive as Mercury meets Uranus today, and your focus turns to relationships as the moon enters your opposite sign Libra.

Chatty Mercury meets wildcard Uranus in your sign today, finding you saying and learning unexpected things. The moon enters Libra, encouraging you to organize your to-do list.

Your ruling planet Mercury meets electric Uranus, bringing a massive boost to your intuitive abilities. Romance and creativity flow as the moon enters fellow air sign Libra!

Communication planet Mercury meets wildcard Uranus, finding you connecting with some unexpected and eccentric people today. The moon enters Libra, finding you focused on your home and family life.

Messenger planet Mercury meets electric Uranus, making it an exciting day for communication, especially in the realm of career. The moon enters Libra, inspiring diplomacy.

Your ruling planet Mercury meets wildcard Uranus, finding you having some unexpected conversations and going on surprising adventures! Your focus turns to money as the moon enters Libra.

Unexpected news or a eureka moment about shared resources, debts, or other tricky financial situations may arrive as Mercury meets Uranus, but the moon enters your sign, finding the world on your emotional wavelength.

Your partners have an a-ha moment and share surprising news as Mercury meets wildcard Uranus. The moon enters Libra, encouraging you to catch up on rest.

Surprises pop up as you move about your daily routine as Mercury meets Uranus. Your schedule might unexpectedly shift. The moon enters Libra, finding you in the mood to socialize.

Surprising news and unexpected thrills may arrive as chatty Mercury meets electric Uranus. The moon also enters Libra today, shifting your focus to your career.

Communication planet Mercury meets your ruling planet Uranus, bringing surprising news at home, and information from abroad also comes in as the moon enters Libra.

Messenger planet Mercury meets wildcard Uranus, possibly bringing some unexpected and exciting news your way! Keep an open mind. The moon enters Libra, encouraging you to settle a debt.
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