Daily Horoscope: April 12, 2021
April 11, 2021The moon in Aries makes harmonious connections with Mars at 12:00 AM and Jupiter at 4:24 AM, bringing a boost of energy and optimism. The moon clashes with Pluto at 7:12 AM, stirring up intense emotions, but we’re in an affectionate mood as the moon meets Venus at 8:06 AM. The moon enters sensual earth sign Taurus at 1:44 PM, encouraging us to notice what feels good.
All times ET.

The moon enters luxurious earth sign Taurus today! Treat yourself to something special: enjoy nature, indulge your senses!

The moon enters your sign today, Taurus! It’s a fantastic time to reconnect with yourself and your needs. Indulge in something luxurious!

Slow down and rest, Gemini! The moon enters chill earth sign Taurus, encouraging you to indulge in plenty of relaxing down time.

The moon enters Taurus, illuminating the friendship sector of your chart and making it a lovely time to network, share ideas, and connect with groups and communities you’re excited about.

Your focus turns to your career today as the moon enters Taurus. What do you want your legacy to be? Now is the time to reflect on the future.

The moon enters fellow earth sign Taurus, finding you in an adventurous mood. It’s a fantastic time to plan travels, reflect on your studies, and even publish your ideas.

The moon enters Taurus, finding you focused on complicated financial matters, like the money you share with your partners, debts, or taxes. Make time to organize your money.

The moon enters your opposite sign Taurus today, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart! Taurus energy is chill and easygoing; a peaceful energy flows!

The moon enters determined earth sign Taurus today, supporting you as you tackle your chores. The mood is focused and productive!

A playful energy flows as the moon enters Taurus, illuminating the sector of you chart that rules creativity, fun, and romance! It’s a great time to connect with your lovers, make art, and simply enjoy yourself!

The moon enters peaceful earth sign Taurus today, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart and encouraging you to reflect on comfort and security.

Today is all about communication as the moon enters focused and determined earth sign Taurus, It’s a solid day to journal and discuss your thoughts and feelings!
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