Daily Horoscope: March 29, 2021
March 28, 2021The moon in Libra connects with fiery Mars at 1:12 AM, stirring up a busy atmosphere. The moon connects with jovial Jupiter at 2:01 PM, inspiring an open-hearted and open-minded mood—but control issues may come up as the moon clashes with power planet Pluto at 8:08 PM. Mercury meets Neptune at 11:24 PM, inspiring our imaginations and encouraging empathetic communication—but don’t get carried way with fantasies or paranoias!
All times ET.

It’s a powerful day for your spiritual practice, to lean into your intuitive abilities and explore your shadow side as logical Mercury meets transcendental Neptune. The moon in Libra also encourages you to explore your partner’s perspective.

Messenger planet Mercury connects with intuitive Neptune, making it a powerful day for connection as they activate the sector of your chart that rules your social life. Deep conversations take place.

Your ruling planet Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune, making it a powerful day for your career, especially when it comes to creativity. However, be savvy about any news that comes your way, as it might not all be totally accurate.

The moon in Libra brings your attention to your home and family life today, encouraging you to reflect on what you need in order to feel safe and cozy. Mercury meets Neptune, making it a powerful day for heart-to-heart communication; minds are open.

Today’s energy is powerful for forgiveness and letting things go as messenger planet Mercury meets transcendent Neptune—plus, the moon in harmony-loving Libra encourages us to get along.

Your ruling planet Mercury meets the planet planet of fantasy, Neptune, making it a powerful day for connection and communication in your relationships. You’re also reflecting on issues concerning money as the moon moves through Libra.

The moon is in your sign today, Libra, encouraging you to sit with your emotions and reflect on your needs. Mercury and Neptune meet, bringing a big boost of creativity and imagination.

The moon in Libra encourages you to slow down and rest. Inspiring conversations take place as messenger planet Mercury meets mystical Neptune.

You’re focused on your social life as the moon moves through Libra, but home and family are also important themes today as messenger planet Mercury meets Neptune. You may be thinking and talking about the past, and what could have been.

The moon in Libra finds you focused on your career today. It’s a powerful time to discuss emotions, dreams, and possibilities as Mercury meets Neptune.

The moon is in fellow air sign Libra today, encouraging you to look at the big picture. Mercury and Neptune meet, finding you feeling inspired to focus on issues concerning wealth and abundance.

Logical Mercury meets your ruling planet Neptune today, finding you having intriguing conversations about your dreams, emotions, and hunches. The moon in Libra encourages you to release the past.
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