Daily Horoscope: March 20, 2021
March 19, 2021The sun enters Aries at 5:37 AM, marking the beginning of the astrological new year! This is a bright and cheery time, and we have a renewed sense of purpose and will. The moon in Gemini connects with Jupiter at 2:14 PM, inspiring a generous mood. The moon clashes with Neptune at 2:20 PM, stirring up confusing feelings.
All times ET.

Happy solar return! The sun enters your sign, Aries, reinvigorating you! You’re excited to take on the next year: This is a wonderful time to reconnect with your purpose.

The sun enters Aries today, finding you reflecting on themes like independence and bravery. But Aries season also finds you in a sleepy mood—catch up on rest!

Aries season begins today, finding the sun illuminating the friendship sector of your chart. This is an exciting time to network and connect with people who share your hobbies, dreams, and goals.

Aries season is here! The sun is lighting up the sector of your chart that rules your career and reputation. Some reward or recognition may come your way—this is a powerful time for you, Cancer!

The sun enters fellow fire sign Aries today, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules travel and learning, finding you in an adventurous, inquisitive mood, eager to engage with as many ideas as possible.

Aries season begins today! It is the start of the astrological new year, and you’re focused on cutting ties with the past. It’s a fantastic time for closure or settling a debt.

The sun enters your opposite sign Aries today, Libra! Relationships are your main focus at this time. It’s a powerful moment to connect with people and learn more about their perspective.

Aries season begins today, finding you in a productive mood! You’re tackling your chores, and some news about a gig may come your way. This is a powerful time to switch up your habits.

The sun enters fellow fire sign Aries today, finding you in a celebratory mood! Romance and creativity flow. A spontaneous, cheerful energy is in the air.

Your attention turns to your home and family today as the sun enters Aries. You may also find yourself in a nostalgic mood! It’s a great time cleanse your space.

The sun enters Aries today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart and making this an exciting time to connect with people. A busy energy flows in your local neighborhood, too.

The sun enters Aries today, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules wealth and security! Aries is the sign of bravery, and you’re boldly asking for exactly what you want.
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