Daily Horoscope: March 3, 2021

March 2, 2021 Off By Annabel Gat

The moon in water sign Scorpio connects with sweet Venus at 3:29 AM, inspiring an affectionate atmosphere—but watch out for surprises as the moon opposes Uranus at 4:22 AM. The moon clashes with Saturn at 6:05 AM, encouraging us to set boundaries.

Venus connects with Uranus at 12:09 PM, finding us seeking fun and novelty. Surprises are in the air. Keep things light! The moon connects with the sun at 1:52 PM and clashes with Mercury at 7:01 PM, encouraging us to be honest about our feelings and discuss what’s on our minds. Watch out for the tendency to over-do things as the moon clashes with. Jupiter at 8:22 PM. Mars enters inquisitive air sign Gemini at 10:30 PM, finding us fearlessly asking big questions!

All times ET.


Sweet Venus makes a harmonious connection with rebel Uranus today, bringing unexpected gifts. Your ruling planet Mars enters Gemini, finding you fearlessly communicating what’s on your mind.


Your ruling planet Venus connects with wildcard Uranus today, finding you connecting with unexpected people. Action planet Mars enters Gemini, helping you tackle financial concerns.


Darling Venus mingles with wildcard Uranus, bringing surprises, and action planet Mars enters your sign, delivering a massive boost in energy, confidence, and fearlessness.


Sweet Venus and rebel Uranus make a harmonious connection, finding you connecting with unexpected people. Warrior planet Mars enters Gemini, encouraging you to release the past. Make sure to carve out extra time to rest, as you may be having some late nights.


Lovely Venus connects with wildcard Uranus, bringing unexpected thrills. Action planet Mars enters Gemini, igniting the sector of your chart that rules your social life and finding you energized to network.


Darling Venus connects with rebel Uranus, finding your partners sharing exciting news, and creating a generally thrilling atmosphere. Action planet Mars enters Gemini, revving up the sector of your chart that rules your career.


Your ruling planet Venus connects with brilliant Uranus, helping you problem solve a tricky situation. Action planet Mars enters fellow air sign Gemini, finding you in an adventurous mood!


Darling Venus connects with wildcard Uranus, creating a bubbly, fun atmosphere! It’s an exciting moment in your love life. Your ruling planet Mars enters air sign Gemini, helping you tackle issues concerning debts and taxes.


Sweet Venus connects with wildcard Uranus, bringing an unexpected shake-up to your routine. Action planet Mars enters your opposite sign Gemini, finding your partners fired up.


Darling Venus connects with rebel Uranus, bringing unexpected thrills! Action planet Mars enters detail=oriented Gemini, too, helping you tackle your to-do list.


Lovely Venus connects with your ruling planet Uranus, perhaps bringing an unexpected gift your way! Things are shaken up in your personal life. Action planet Mars enters fellow air sign Gemini, revving up the romance and creativity sector of your chart.


Sweet Venus connects with wildcard Uranus, bringing unexpected news. Action planet Mars enters Gemini, finding you tackling issues at home and with family. You may be moving at this time, or cutting ties with the past.

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