Daily Horoscope: February 17, 2021
February 16, 2021The moon in Taurus clashes with strict Saturn at 12:48 PM, encouraging us to reflect on our limits. The moon meets Uranus at 12:48 PM, bringing surprises. Saturn clashes with Uranus at 2:08 PM, and the rules are rewritten—the old way of doing things just doesn’t work anymore! The moon clashes with Mercury retrograde at 9:32 PM, encouraging communication.
All times ET.

You have absolutely had it with certain dynamics in your friendships, social circle, or the communities you belong to, and it’s time for a change. The way things used to be just doesn’t work for you anymore, Aries!

As taskmaster Saturn clashes with unruly Uranus today, you’re finding yourself in a rebellious mood. You will no longer do what’s expected of you if it doesn’t align with who you really are.

Intense conversations take place today. As a result of today’s clash between the planet of time, Saturn, and the planet of the future, Uranus, your worldview is forever changed.

A tremendous shift takes place today as the planet of tradition, Saturn, clashes with the planet of change, Uranus. It’s a powerful time to pay off a debt or otherwise release yourself from the past. Drama kicks up in your social life: Who do you still want to associate yourself with?

Major shifts take place in your relationships today as taskmaster Saturn clashes with rebel Uranus. The old ways of doing things just don’t work anymore! Traditions are transformed.

Rebel Uranus is in fellow earth sign Taurus, putting you in an adventurous mood, and as it clashes with taskmaster Saturn, you find yourself at a major turning point which will reconfigure your day-to-day routine, schedule, and habits.

A major change takes place in your love life or in your creative pursuits today as taskmaster Saturn clashes with rebel Uranus. You’ve grown out of your old ways and with that, your tastes have greatly changed.

Traditions at home are undergoing a major transformation as the planet of time, Saturn, clashes with the planet of the future, Uranus. A major shift takes place in your relationships, romantic or otherwise.

Your everyday routine undergoes a major transformation today as taskmaster Saturn clashes with the planet of change, Uranus. A big breakthrough takes place concerning communication.

Powerful changes take place today as your ruling planet Saturn clashes with rebel Uranus, transforming how you approach your love life and your creative collaborations. You’re rethinking how to invest your time, energy, and money.

A major change takes place in your personal life today as both of your ruling planets, Saturn and Uranus, square off in the sky. Your home and family life in particular undergoes a big shift.

A communication breakthrough takes place today as taskmaster Saturn clashes with rebel Uranus. You’re understanding things in a whole new way, and there’s no going back to the old ways of doing things now!
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