Daily Horoscope: February 9, 2021
February 8, 2021The moon in Capricorn connects with dreamy Neptune at 1:55 AM, boosting our imagination. The moon meets power planet Pluto at 12:22 PM, stirring up deep, intense emotions, but we’re taking a detached look at things as the moon enters Aquarius at 8:20 PM.
All times ET.

Transformations take place in your career as the moon meets Pluto—however, stubbornness may lead to power struggles and control issues. You’re focused on friendship as the moon enters Aquarius.

Your understanding of the world transforms as the moon meets power planet Pluto. The moon enters Aquarius, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules your career: Where do you want to take things in your professional life?

It’s a powerful time to wipe the slate clean, pay off a debt, or offer or accept an apology as the moon meets Pluto. The moon enters fellow air sign Aquarius, bringing new opportunities your way.

Powerful shifts take place in your relationships as the moon meets Pluto. The moon enters Aquarius, finding you reflecting on issues like debts, taxes, and shared resources (like money!).

It’s a powerful day to kick a habit as the moon meets transformative Pluto. The moon enters your opposite sign Aquarius, shifting your focus to your relationships.

A powerful moment takes place in your love life or in your creative process as the moon meets the lord of the underworld, Pluto. The moon enters Aquarius, finding you reflecting on your daily habits.

Intense changes take place at home as the moon meets Pluto. Your focus turns to creativity and romance as the moon enters fellow air sign Aquarius!

Intense conversations take place as the moon meets your ruling planet Pluto. Your attention shifts to home and family life as the moon enters Aquarius: Spruce up your space!

The moon meets power planet Pluto, making for a powerful moment concerning money and security. The moon enters logical air sign Aquarius today, too, illuminating the communication sector of your chart.

The moon is in your sign for the first part of the day and it meets power planet Pluto, finding you experiencing major emotional transformation. Your control issues may surface if you resist change. The moon enters Aquarius, shifting your attention to finances.

It’s a powerful moment for exploring your subconscious as the moon meets transformative Pluto. The moon enters your sign today, too, helping you understand your emotions. You have a lot of feelings to sort through!

You’re connecting with powerful people as the moon meets Pluto, and some emotional intensity also bubbles to the surface. Make time to rest as the moon enters Aquarius!
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