Daily Horoscope: December 31, 2020
December 30, 2020The moon in Cancer opposes powerful Pluto at 3:10 AM, kicking up control issues, and watch out for arguments as the moon clashes with fiery Mars at 8:45 AM. The moon enters fire sign Leo at 1:58 PM, inspiring creativity and generosity. The moon opposes strict Saturn at 4:56 PM and jovial Jupiter at 7:05 PM, encouraging us to dream big but also set boundaries.
All times ET.

The moon enters fellow fire sign Leo today, illuminating the romance and creativity sector of your chart! You’re clearly understanding the limitations and standards you’re working with right now, getting real about your boundaries and expectations.

The moon enters Leo today and illuminates the home and family sector of your chart! You’re getting clear on the boundaries you need to set between your professional and private lives.

The moon enters Leo today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart. Important conversations take place about your beliefs, goals, and boundaries.

The moon enters luxurious Leo today, illuminating the financial sector of your chart, Cancer. You’re setting important boundaries around spending, and working out issues concerning debts and taxes.

The moon enters your sign today, Leo! The world is on your emotional wavelength. You’re confronting issues in your relationships, reestablishing boundaries and expectations.

The moon enters Leo today, encouraging you to catch up on quality time with yourself and get some rest. You’re wrapping up some important projects, and taking note of how you want to do things differently next time.

The moon enters Leo today, lighting up the friendship sector of your chart. You love socializing, but today is all about setting boundaries and stating your expectations. You may have to say no to something or someone. You can’t say yes to everything, Libra!

The moon enters Leo today, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your career. As you stand in the spotlight, you’re reflecting on security and privacy, and today you’re settling important boundaries around people’s access to you.

The moon enters fellow fire sign Leo today, lighting up the travel and education sector of your chart! Important details and plans are sorted out, and serious conversations take place.

The moon enters Leo, finding you reflecting on closure. It’s a powerful time to wipe the slate clean and address issues concerning debts and taxes. Releasing the past invites new opportunities in!

The moon enters your opposite sign Leo today, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart. It’s a powerful day for discussing dreams, expectations, and boundaries in your partnerships.

The moon enters fire sign Leo today, inspiring you to get organized. It’s a powerful day to kick a bad habit and rearrange your schedule.
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