Daily Horoscope: December 30, 2020
December 29, 2020Venus clashes with Neptune at 5:19 AM, which is quite the conflict of energy: On one hand, we may be falling head-over-heels or making some of the best art we have in a long time, on the other, insecurity, confusion, and paranoia pops up. Be gentle with yourself and others. Reach out for help if you feel yourself slipping into old, bad habits. The moon in Cancer opposes Mercury at 11:04 AM, encouraging communication, and the moon connects with Neptune at 4:31 PM, boosting creativity.
All times ET.

Sweet Venus clashes with hazy Neptune and things are confusing! You thought you knew what was important to you, but now, you’re not so sure. Sleep on it!

Your ruling planet Venus clashes with sleepy Neptune, and you may be feeling “meh,” or worse, feeling paranoid about things. Forgive yourself for feeling confused. Find ways to stay grounded!

You’re turning an important corner in creativity today! Venus clashes with Neptune, which may make for a confusing energy, but inspiration flows.

Sweet Venus clashes with hazy Neptune, making for a tricky day around communication and making plans. You’re not sure what’s important to you or what direction to head. Take it slow, Cancer!

Venus has found you in such a playful and flirtatious mood lately, but today it clashes with foggy Neptune, and confusion is in the air. People may be unsure about how much they can give or share with you. Take it slow, and don’t jump to conclusions.

All sorts of feelings are in the air today. Venus clashes with Neptune and you’re feeling sentimental, confused, and romantic, but also a touch insecure. Go with the flow, take a light approach, and have a sense of humor about things. Your partners are especially sensitive today, so be mindful of their feelings.

Making and sticking to plans today is tricky as your ruling planet Venus clashes with Neptune. It’s a go-with-the-flow kind of day. Keep things light, and be gentle with yourself if you’re feeling insecure.

It’s a complicated day for communication. Venus clashes with Neptune, and there is a feeling of fantasy and romance in the air, but also of insecurity. Keep a sense of humor about things. Creative inspiration comes; you might make some amazing art.

You’re in a sentimental mood today as Venus clashes with Neptune, and you’re remembering the past—just try not to over-romanticize it! Keep things light and easy. Check in with yourself if you’re feeling insecure, and talk to a friend who can offer some solid perspective.

It’s a powerful day to reconnect with your inner voice. You may be feeling confused and insecure as Venus clashes with Neptune, but reconnecting with your intuition can guide you in the right direction.

Confusion concerning finances, security, and the future may take place today as Venus clashes with Neptune, but don’t let yourself slip into any paranoid funks! Keep a sense of humor about everything. Things might be confusing now, but they won’t always be.

Venus clashes with your ruling planet Neptune, making for a dreamy atmosphere. This is a powerful time for creativity, and some intriguing shifts are taking place in your career. You’re confronting your insecurities head on.
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