Daily Horoscope: December 28, 2020
December 27, 2020The moon in Gemini opposes Venus at 1:47 AM, finding us craving affection and attention. The moon clashes with Neptune at 7:00 AM, so watch out for confusion. You might want something to be true that just isn’t. Accept really for what it is. The moon mingles with Mars at 10:01 PM, creating an energetic and supportive atmosphere.
All times ET.

The moon in air sign Gemini illuminates the communication sector of your chart today, but you might find it difficult to express yourself or get the information you need until later in the day when the moon connects with your ruling planet Mars.

The moon is in Gemini today, illuminating the financial sector of your chart, and as it opposes your ruling planet Venus, you’re reflecting on how best to share money (and other resources) with your partners.

The moon is in your sign today, Gemini, helping you connect with your feelings. You might be confused about the direction you want to take in your career, but friends will help you figure out a goal!

The moon in Gemini inspires you to slow down and rest today. Binge your favorite fantasy series. Make time for meditation. Big dreams for the future arrive.

The moon in Gemini finds you in a very social mood today, Leo, but some drama may pop up in your social life. Confusion about who owes what may take place. But new opportunities are also coming!

The moon in Gemini finds you focused on your professional goals today. You’re reconsidering what you need in your home life. Debts—financial and emotional—are addressed today.

The moon is in fellow air sign Gemini, finding you in an adventurous mood! However, some communication issues need to be looked at as the moon opposes your ruling planet Venus. Partners help with strength and confidence as the moon connects with Mars.

Financial issues are addressed as the moon in Gemini opposes Venus. Confusion in your love life takes place as the moon clashes with hazy Jupiter, but you’re hammering out a plan as the moon mingles with your ruling planet Mars.

Today is all about partnership as the moon moves through Gemini. You’re reassessing your values as the moon opposes Venus. Excitement flows in your love life as the moon mingles with Mars.

The moon in Gemini finds you reflecting on your habits today, and you’re ready to break a bad habit as the moon opposes Venus. A supportive energy flows at home today.

The moon is in fellow air sign Gemini, finding you in a playful mood. The moon opposes Venus, which may bring some drama, but a straightforward conversation clears things up as the moon mingles with Mars.

The moon in Gemini illuminates the home and family sector of your chart today, finding you in a sentimental mood—just don’t romanticize the past too much as the moon clashes with your ruling planet Neptune! Helpful energy flows as the moon connects with Mars.
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