Daily Horoscope: December 26, 2020
December 25, 2020The moon makes easy connections with the some of the heaviest planets in the sky today. First, it mingles with power planet Pluto at 6:31 AM, boosting our sense of control and power. The moon enters social butterfly Gemini at 6:33 PM and connects with taskmaster Saturn at 8:41 PM, and then with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy and growth, at 9:54 PM, helping us figure out our boundaries and deepest wishes.
All times ET.

The moon enters Gemini today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart. Heavy topics are discussed, and you’re feeling clear about how you want to handle things.

The moon enters Gemini today, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules security and finances, and it makes harmonious connections with Saturn and Jupiter, boding well for your reputation and career!

The moon enters your sign today, finding the world on your emotional wavelength! Easy energy flows around networking and sorting out your travel and education plans.

The moon enters Gemini, boosting your intuitive abilities. You’re realizing it’s time to let go of some things you’ve been holding on to. It’s a powerful time for release.

The moon enters Gemini, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your social life. You’re connecting with powerful people today as the moon mingles with Saturn and Jupiter!

The moon enters Gemini today, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules your career and reputation. It’s a powerful day for productivity as the moon mingles with Jupiter and Saturn.

The moon enters fellow air sign Gemini today, lighting up the travel and learning sector of your chart, finding you expanding your mind and your reach, especially as the moon connects with Jupiter and Saturn.

The moon enters Gemini, finding you working out issues concerning debts, taxes, and shared resources. Intimacy is a major theme today, too. It’s a powerful time for releasing the past, and for being more present!

The moon enters your opposite sign Gemini today, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart, and powerful conversations take place a the moon connects with Jupiter and Saturn.

You’re getting organized as the moon enters detail-oriented air sign Gemini. It’s a great time for productivity and managing your finances as the moon connects with Jupiter and Saturn.

The moon enters fellow air sign Gemini, illuminating the romance and creativity sector of your chart! You’re setting important boundaries today—remember that saying no to things you don’t want can bring more of what you do desire.

The moon enters Gemini, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart and inspiring you to get cozy at home. It’s a powerful day to lean into your spiritual practice and connect with your intuition, too!
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