Daily Horoscope: December 25, 2020
December 24, 2020Brilliant breakthroughs take place as the planet of the mind, Mercury, mingles with genius Uranus at 2:05 AM. The moon in sensual earth sign Taurus connects with dreamy Neptune at 7:11 PM, making for a pleasurable time!
All times ET.

Big breakthroughs concerning your career, finances, and reputation take place today as Mercury connects with Uranus. A bright idea changes everything.

The moon is in your sign today, Taurus, helping you sort out your feelings. Mercury mingles with Uranus, bringing you major philosophical breakthroughs—you’re understanding the world in a whole new way!

Your ruling planet Mercury connects with electric Uranus, bringing you a major emotional breakthrough. The moon in Taurus encourages you to catch up on rest.

The moon in Taurus finds you in a social mood today, Cancer! Breakthroughs take place in your relationships as communication planet Mercury connects with brilliant Uranus.

The moon in Taurus finds you reflecting on your professional goals. Messenger Mercury mingles with Uranus, bringing exciting news about your career.

The moon in fellow earth sign Taurus finds you connecting with friends abroad, and some unexpected news may arrive as your ruling planet Mercury mingles with Uranus, the planet of surprise.

The moon in Taurus urges you to let go of the past today. Mercury connects with Uranus, finding you having an intellectual breakthrough concerning an emotional situation.

The moon is in your opposite sign Taurus, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart, and communication breakthroughs take place as messenger planet Mercury connects with brilliant Uranus.

The moon in Taurus helps you get organized today, and Mercury connects with Uranus, bringing breakthroughs concerning your work and finances!

The moon is in fellow earth sign Taurus, illuminating the romance and creativity sector of your chart! Novelty, thrills, and excitement are in the air as Mercury connects with Uranus.

Communication planet Mercury connects with your ruling planet Uranus, bringing emotional breakthroughs. The moon in Taurus encourages you to get cozy at home.

Communication breakthroughs take place today as Mercury connects with Uranus! Unexpected meetings may take place; it’s an exciting time to network.
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