Daily Horoscope: December 20, 2020

Daily Horoscope: December 20, 2020

December 19, 2020 Off By Annabel Gat

Mercury enters Capricorn at 6:08 PM, and we’re telling it like it is! Unless, of course, it’s wiser to say nothing at all….we’re being smart and patient about what to say! We’ve learned a few lessons about speaking cavalierly in recent weeks while Mercury was in Sagittarius. The moon in Pisces meets Neptune at 6:35 PM, inspiring an imaginative and romantic atmosphere. 

All times ET.


Messenger planet Mercury enters Capricorn, kicking up communication concerning your career. As busy as you are, make time to rest as the moon meets dreamy Neptune.


Communication planet Mercury enters fellow earth sign Capricorn today, bringing news from abroad. The moon meets Neptune, finding you networking with inspiring people.


Your ruling planet Mercury enters Capricorn today, finding you sorting out issues concerning debts and taxes. The moon meets Neptune, boosting creativity, especially in your career.


Mercury enters your opposite sign Capricorn, kicking up communication between you and your partners. Expect them to be especially expressive! The moon meets Neptune, inspiring a whimsical and adventurous energy.


Messenger planet Mercury enters Capricorn, inspiring a productive atmosphere—it’s a great time to get organized and arrange schedules! The moon meets Neptune, encouraging you to release the past.


Your ruling planet Mercury enters fellow earth sign Capricorn, bringing invitations to celebrations. The moon meets Neptune, inspiring a whimsical energy in your relationships!


Communication planet Mercury enters Capricorn, kicking up communication concerning your home and family life. The moon meets Neptune, inspiring a creative atmosphere.


Messenger planet Mercury enters Capricorn, activating the sector of your chart that rules your mind, finding you in a straightforward, sharp, and expressive mood. The moon meets Neptune, making for a dreamy, romantic atmosphere!


Communication planet Mercury enters materially minded earth sign Capricorn, bringing information and conversations concerning cash your way. The moon meets Neptune, finding you in a nostalgic mood. It’s a great time to energetically cleanse your home.


Communication planet Mercury enters your sign today, Capricorn! You’re in an expressive mood, your mind is feeling sharp after a sleepy few weeks. The moon meets Neptune, boosting your intuition, too.


Your intuition gets a big boost as Mercury enters Capricorn. Dust off your dream journal and take notes on what sort of symbols have been coming as you sleep or daydream. The moon meets Neptune, inspiring generosity.


Communication planet Mercury enters Capricorn, which bodes well for your social life! It’s a great time to meet new people and connect with old friends. Your intuition and imagination are boosted as the moon meets your ruling planet Neptune.

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