Daily Horoscope: December 14, 2020
December 14, 2020The moon in Sagittarius clashes with dreamy Neptune at 3:15 AM, stirring up some confusing emotions, but we’re talking things through as the moon meets chatty Mercury at 5:42 AM. The moon connects with fiery Mars at 7:14 AM, kicking up our energy and confidence. The solar eclipse in Sagittarius lands at 11:117 AM, marking the beginning of an important new journey. Revelations take place! Sweet Venus makes a harmonious connection with lucky Jupiter at 3:58 PM, inspiring a generous, affectionate atmosphere, and communication moves at a fast pace as Mercury aligns with Mars at 11:24 PM.
All times ET.

Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius brings you a whole new perspective on the world and on life. Venus connects with Jupiter, which bodes well for your career and reputation. Mercury connects with your ruling planet Mars, helping you get where you need to go, faster.

The solar eclipse in Sagittarius finds you wiping the slate clean; you’re paying debts and gaining closure. Your ruling planet Venus connects with Jupiter, creating an open-hearted energy in your relationships. Communication planet Mercury connects with Mars, boosting your intuitive abilities.

Today’s solar eclipse in your opposite sign Sagittarius marks a tremendous turning point in your relationships. Venus connects with Jupiter, helping you smooth tricky situations over. Your ruling planet Mercury connects with Mars, and communication moves speedily.

Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius finds you totally reworking your schedule and routine. Sweet Venus aligns with lucky Jupiter, creating a wonderfully romantic atmosphere. Mercury and Mars connect, speeding up communication in your career.

Today’s solar eclipse in fellow fire sign Sagittarius marks an important fresh start in your love life and creative pursuits. Venus and Jupiter connect, inspiring an open-hearted energy at home, and Mercury and Mars align, speeding up communication.

Major shifts are taking place in your home and family life as a result of today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius. You’re feeling popular as Venus mingles with Jupiter, and your ruling planet Mercury connects with Mars, boosting your intuitive abilities.

Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius finds you thinking about things in a totally new way. Important news arrives. Your ruling planet Venus connects with lucky Jupiter, bringing a lovely energy at home. Mercury connects with Mars, and communication in your partnerships picks up speed.

Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius makes an important turning point in your financial life. Venus mingles with Jupiter, inspiring kind communication. Mercury connects with your ruling planet Mars, which bodes well for finances and productivity.

There’s a solar eclipse in your sign today, Sagittarius, finding you feeling like a totally new version of yourself. The same-old just doesn’t work anymore! Sweet Venus mingles with your ruling planet Jupiter, bringing good luck and some gifts. Mercury aligns with Mars, inspiring a flirtatious energy.

Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius finds you exhausted, but you’re feeling popular as Venus connects with Jupiter. Try to get some rest, even if your social life is so busy right now! Mercury connects with Mars, speeding up your intuitive process. It’s a powerful time to lean into your spiritual practice.

Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius brings a major change to your social life. Venus connects with Jupiter, and you’re dreaming big about what the future may bring. Mercury and Mars align, speeding up communication.

Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius is major for your career; an important fresh start arrives. Venus connects with your ruling planet Jupiter, making for a romantic atmosphere! Mercury connects with Mars, which bodes well for your finances.
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