Daily Horoscope: November 13, 2020
November 12, 2020The moon in Libra clashes with Jupiter at 12:05 AM, inspiring a generous atmosphere—but be careful not to over-indulge! We’re setting boundaries as the moon clashes with Saturn at 6:32 AM. The moon enters Scorpio at 11:19 AM, inspiring us to go deeper with exploring our emotions, and we’re talking about how we feel as the moon meets messenger Mercury at 4:44 PM. Mars ends its retrograde at 7:36 PM: Tempers may be short, but our sense of willpower and confidence is boosted.
All times ET.

Your ruling planet Mars finally ends its retrograde today. Your patience is being tested and your temper is short. Get some physical activity and let off that steam. Things will soon be moving forward!

Action planet Mars ends its retrograde today, and you may find yourself wanting extra sleep. Your attention is on your relationships as the moon enters your opposite sign Scorpio.

Mars retrograde ends, activating the friendship sector of your chart. You may be cutting some ties, but are also excited to expand your social circle. The moon enters Scorpio, encouraging you to get your work space organized.

The moon enters fellow water sign Scorpio, encouraging you to have some fun! Romance is in the air. Frustration has been building at work, but your career will move ahead soon: Mars ends its retrograde today.

The moon enters Scorpio, bringing your attention to your private family life. You’re getting cozy at home, but you can also feel your next adventure arriving as Mars finally ends its retrograde.

Communication gets kicked up a notch as the moon enters Scorpio. Mars finally ends its retrograde, helping you cut ties with the past, settle debts, and gain some closure.

Watch out for short tempers and impatience as Mars ends its retrograde. Your partners are being very direct. There may be some confrontational energy in the air, but compromise is possible, too! The moon enters Scorpio, finding you sorting out your finances.

The moon enters your sign today, encouraging you to reflect on how you can better nourish yourself. Your ruling planet Mars ends its retrograde, helping you push forward with your to-do list.

Your sex life gets a big boost as Mars ends its retrograde today! Creative inspiration is flowing. Your intuition is revved up as the moon enters psychic Scorpio.

The moon enters Scorpio today, illuminating the friendship sector of your chart and finding you networking with intriguing people. Action planet Mars ends its retrograde, inspiring you to finish some renovations in your home.

The moon enters Scorpio, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules your career, encouraging you to reflect on how you want to push forward professionally over the next month. Mars retrograde ends today, helping communication become more straightforward—but watch out for short tempers.

Financial concerns begin to be resolved as Mars ends its retrograde today. Tempers are short, so watch out for arguments and selfish behavior. The moon enters fellow water sign Scorpio, encouraging you to look at the big picture.
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