Monthly Horoscope: Leo, November 2020
November 1, 2020Welcome to Scorpio season! Each zodiac sign is ruled by a heavenly body, and yours is the sun, making its location of crucial importance to you, dear Leo. With the sun in dramatic, mysterious water sign Scorpio, this is a special time of year for you as you cozy up at home with your loved ones, retreating from the world before you reenter the scene, ready to partner.
This is a brilliant time to connect with your ancestors or energetically cleanse your home, as Scorpio season finds you leaning into your spiritual practice. The sun will enter fellow fire sign Sagittarius later this month, bringing a burst of romance and creative inspiration, and there will be an eclipse as the sun edges closer to the south node in Sagittarius, marking a powerful release in your life.
Mercury retrograde in Libra clashes with Saturn in Capricorn on November 1, and will do so again on November 6, after Mercury ends its retrograde on November 3. The end of Mercury retrograde means the difficulties in commuting and paperwork you have been struggling with will finally subside, and setbacks at home, with family, or concerning your living situation will be sorted out. You’re recalling September 23 as Mercury clashes with Saturn, as similar themes are coming up, and you’re facing familiar obstacles concerning communication, projects and plants, or simply expressing yourself.
Venus in Libra has sent love letters your way, and it opposes Mars retrograde on November 9, bringing an exciting conversation. You might give someone a dramatic talking to, or a passionate conversation could bring a deeper understanding of your partner’s perspectives. The sun connects with the planet of redemption, Neptune, in Pisces on November 10, helping you dissolve past baggage. You’re simply moving on! You don’t care for yesterday’s burdens and are giving yourself closure. Financially, you may be paying a debt at this time, handling an heirloom, or addressing an inheritance. Mercury enters Scorpio on November 10, boosting communication between you and your roommates and family members, and finding you doing paperwork concerning your living situation.
Jupiter and Pluto meet in Capricorn for the third and final time this year on November 12. Think back to April 4 and June 30, as similar breakthroughs are taking place. This is the beginning of a new journey of how you spend your days. You may be starting an incredible new job or a new health and wellness routine. You’re ready to take things to the next level, and feeling optimistic about it! It may feel like there’s a lot happening at once and like there’s no information about how things will end up, so stay present in your body, don’t rush to making decisions, and most importantly, reach out for help if you need it!
Mars ends its retrograde in Aries on November 13, bringing momentum to your goals concerning education, travel, and publishing: Where there was once frustration and anger, you’re now feeling passion and preparedness. The sun mingles with Pluto and Jupiter on November 14, bringing you support from home as you tackle your to-do list.
The new moon in Scorpio lands on November 15, and a fresh start takes place at home. You may be moving somewhere or clearing out the energy in your space, or starting fresh with a family member or roommate. This new moon also finds Venus squaring off with Pluto, which could add a tinge of jealousy and obsession to the energy. It’s frustrating not to know what the future will bring, but new moons are famously hazy in that way, being that they are the mark of a new start—anything is possible, which can be overwhelming! Control issues may come up, so bring in an unbiased third party to help with manipulative or shady behavior. This new moon finds you craving more privacy, and you may set new boundaries as you manage the intense emotions of Venus’s clash with Pluto. Venus clashes with Jupiter on November 16, so watch out for over-indulgence and making promises you can’t keep. While there are a lot of exciting plans to be made, you don’t want to get a reputation for being flaky, and you definitely don't want to wear yourself out.
Unexpected news arrives as Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 17, finding you thinking back to October 7 and 19. Shake-ups that affect both your home and your work may take place. The sun and Venus align with Saturn on November 19, creating a solid energy for communication, and urging us to get clear on our values. Supportive energy flows at home as the sun connects with responsible Saturn, but Saturn can be so cold that when Venus comes to curl up, a feeling of rejection could be in the air. And you, dear Leo, might be at a loss about whether your investments (of your time, money, and energy) have been worth it. This is a lesson in doing something for yourself, not because it’s expected of you or will earn someone else’s approval. This isn’t the coziest day to cuddle up with a lover, but it’s a fine time to focus on making plans and accomplishing goals.
Venus enters Scorpio and Sagittarius season begins on November 21! This is a lovely time to beautify your home, as Venus in Scorpio finds you bringing peace and joy to your living situation. The sun in Sagittarius is a celebratory time for you, and will likely bring opportunities to fall in (or fall deeper!) in love, as well as a boost in creativity.
Cerebral Mercury and psychic Neptune come together on November 23 to create a beautiful moment of connection between you and your family members. This is a powerful time to reconnect with the past and your ancestors. Hidden information becomes available, especially concerning themes of home, family, and your past, as Mercury connects with Pluto on November 27—you’re gaining a deep understanding of where you come from. November 27 also brings exciting changes as Venus opposes Uranus: You’re in the mood to take a risk, but go slow, as your love of drama could come at an unexpected cost. You’re eager to shake things up at this time, but get a second opinion before you make any big moves.
Neptune retrograde ends on November 28, and you’re feeling some confusion about how you and your partners split finances. Take some time to notice how you feel, and remember that you don’t have to fix everything inn a day. Sometimes, it’s enough to call attention to a problem to begin the process of moving forward. Make time to get clear on your debts and taxes as Mercury connects with broadminded Jupiter also on November 28. Mercury wants the details, but Jupiter is all about the big picture—there’s harmony between the two as they make a helpful connection! The mood is optimistic and open-minded, and you’re in an especially productive mood! This helps you get chores done, and you can ask people for help around the house, too.
A lunar eclipse in Gemini arrives on November 30, marking a critical climax in a situation that’s been brewing in your social life. Two-faced behavior in your circles become apparent, and you’re seeing another side to things. You’re letting some friendships go, but exciting new introductions will likely be made, too! This is a highly emotional period and unexpected information will surface. There’s a fated feeling to eclipses, like what takes place during them is meant to be. They mark major transitions in our lives, and nothing is the same after an eclipse. Mercury connects with Saturn on November 30, helping you resolve any issues with getting paid for your work. You can ask for what you deserve, or try to negotiate your hours.
Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in December!