Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, November 2020
November 1, 2020Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Cancer! The sun is moving through fellow water sign Scorpio, illuminating a hugely romantic sector of your chart, making this a fantastic time for pleasure, connection, and creativity. The sun in brooding Scorpio is a joyous time of year for you: You’re not afraid of Scorpio’s depths; you dive into them fearlessly!
Mercury retrograde in Libra clashes with Saturn in Capricorn on November 1, and will do so again on November 6, after Mercury ends its retrograde on November 3. The end of Mercury retrograde means we can finally move forward in conversations that have been brewing over the last few weeks, especially concerning your living situation, as well as any misunderstandings or delays in your live life or creative endeavors. You're thinking back to September 23 as Mercury clashes with Saturn, struggling with similar delays in communication or heavy mental atmosphere. This is going to bring up issues from your childhood, deep memories that influence your standards in relationships and interpersonal commitments.
Venus in Libra has found you redecorating your home, but it opposes Mars retrograde on November 9, and your attention shifts from being a master of home and hearth to addressing situations in your career that don’t support a happy work-life balance. The sun connects with mystical Neptune in Pisces on November 10, bringing a whimsical, imaginative energy, and inspiring you to lean into your spiritual practice. You may hear someone speak or read some work that reconnects you to your sense of faith—if not in religion, then perhaps in humanity! Mercury enters Scorpio on November 10, boosting communication between you and your crush! This is a great time to connect with your creative collaborators. Mercury reentering Scorpio will bring clarity on much of the confusion you dealt with in October. If you felt like you missed out on fun, you may finally find it now.
Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn for the third and final time this year on November 12. Think back to April 4 and June 30 as similar breakthroughs are taking place. This is the beginning of a new journey for you, especially in your relationships. Your partners are entering a phase of life where they must mature, and must do so very quickly. Their new responsibilities are likely to impact your relationship, but amazing transformations could take place. You’re seeing how far your interpersonal commitments can go, and taking them to fullest possible extremes. It may feel like there’s a lot happening at once and like there’s no information about how things will end up, so stay present in your body, don’t rush to making decisions, and most importantly, reach out for help if you need it!
Mars ends its retrograde in Aries on November 13: Over the last few weeks you’ve confronted frustrations in your career, and as this mighty planet moves forward, you’re figuring out a solid strategy to push your career ahead and boost your reputation. The sun mingles with Pluto and Jupiter on November 14, bringing a powerfully creative atmosphere. This is a special time for intimate bonding with your partners. You’re getting to know them on a deeper level, learning what makes them tick, through conversations about their fears, secrets, and inner depths.
The new moon in Scorpio lands on November 15, and it’s a complicated one. New moons are new beginnings, but this new moon also finds Venus squaring off with Pluto, which may add a tinge of jealousy and obsession to the energy in your relationships. It’s frustrating not to know what the future will bring, but new moons are famously hazy in that way, being that they are the mark of a new start—anything is possible, which can be overwhelming! Control issues may come up at this time, and manipulative or shady behavior is not OK, so bring in an unbiased third party if you need help. Venus also clashes with Jupiter on November 16, so watch out for over-indulgences. You’re a patient person, Cancer, but during this time, you have had it with certain people, and may feel like you need to break free from limiting engagements, and spoil yourself with what you’ve been missing. The new moon provides you with the space to invite that missing piece into your life, and it might require you to take out the trash.
Unexpected news arrives as Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 17, finding you thinking back to October 7 and 19. Shake-ups are likely to take place in your social life and you may be feeling whimsical, spontaneous, or nervous, depending on what’s going on. The sun and Venus align with Saturn on November 19, creating a solid energy for communication, and urging us to get clear on our values. You have a clear idea about what you want and feel supported in making the request, but fears of rejection are still coming up for you to work through. Use this as a learning experience. This isn’t the coziest day to cuddle up with a lover, but it’s a fine time to focus on making plans and accomplishing goals.
Venus enters Scorpio and Sagittarius season begins on November 21! Venus in Scorpio is marvelous for your love life—especially your sex life! This is also wonderful for your creativity, as Venus, the planet of beauty, moves through the sign of regeneration. The sun in Sagittarius finds you reflecting on your schedule and considering how to better organize yourself. A new project or job opportunity may arrive.
Mercury and Neptune make a harmonious connection on November 23: Mercury is the planet of logic and Neptune of imagination, making this a helpful and inspiring moment for communication. This is a beautiful opportunity to resolve issues and talk things out. Your brain and heart are working in harmony. A happy solution is found for all, and it’s a brilliant time to discuss hopes, dreams, and emotions. Things flow effortlessly, and there’s much to celebrate!
Mercury is all about gathering information and as it connects with Pluto on November 27, access to hidden materials becomes available. This is an incredible time for communication in your partnerships as your partners are expressing things they might not usually share. Also on November 27, sweet Venus opposes electric Uranus: We’re craving freedom and some unexpected turns may take place in your social life. This is an exciting time to experiment and you may connect with some unexpected or eccentric people.
Neptune retrograde ends on November 28, finding you feeling an urge to break out of your usual routine—you’re craving an escape from everyday life! Find healthy ways to “check out.” Mercury connects with broadminded Jupiter also on November 28: Mercury wants the details, but Jupiter is all about the big picture, so there’s harmony between the two as they make a helpful connection! The mood is optimistic and open-minded. Your partners are excited to share news with you and are open to most things you throw out there.
A lunar eclipse in Gemini arrives on November 30: This is a highly emotional period and unexpected information is likely to surface. There’s a fated feeling to eclipses, like what takes place during them is meant to be. They mark major transitions in our lives, and nothing is the same after an eclipse. It’s unlike you to repress your emotions, Cancer, but it happens sometimes! And sometimes it just takes a while to realize how you feel about something—this is one of those times. Now that you recognize how you feel, you also realize that things have to change! This is a powerful eclipse for shadow work and therapy. You may be especially exhausted at this time, so catch up on rest, and as much as you enjoy company, you may need a little solitude. Mercury connects with Saturn on November 30, helping you iron out whatever was frustrating you at the beginning of the month. This is a great time to reach out to someone who is older or more experienced, who can teach you how to get on their level.
Good luck this month, Cancer, and see you in December!