Thailand is Next Battleground for Washington’s War with China

October 20, 2020 Off By Land Destroyer

 US uses Asian youth to create regional anti-Chinese front aimed at isolating Beijing and crippling Asia's economic rise. 

  • Western media admits regional protests are now targeting China
  • Protests complain about "bad economy," but target region's primary trade partner and investor
  • Opposition parties backing protests have anti-Chinese policies aimed at blocking Beijing's One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative 
  • US funds each nation's movement, organizing them into a regional "Milk Tea Alliance" 
  • US efforts to reorganize Asia are similar to the disastrous US-engineered "Arab Spring"

Thai Summary (English article below): ประเทศไทยคือสมรภูมิถัดไปสำหรับสงครามวอชิงตันกับจีน    
สหรัฐฯกำลังนำเยาวชนของเอเชียเข้าสู่ทางมืดตัน เพียงเพื่อสนองความต้องการที่จะขัดขวางการเติบโตทางเศรษฐกิจของจีน และต้องการตัดพันธมิตรทางเศรษฐกิจที่เพิ่มขึ้นของจีน สื่อตะวันตกยอมรับว่าการประท้วงในภูมิภาคเอเชียกำลังพุ่งเป้าไปที่จีน ส่วนพรรคฝ่ายค้านของรัฐบาลไทยนั้นออกตัวชัดว่าสนับสนุนการประท้วงก็มีนโยบายต่อต้านจีนไม่เอาโครงการ “หนึ่งแถบ หนึ่งเส้นทาง” (One Belt, One Road) ที่รัฐบาลไทยร่วมกับจีน   "ม็อปไทย" ควรมอง "ม็อปฮ่องกง" และ "อาหรับสปริง" ก่อนที่จะทำตามเค้าควรมองเเละศึกษาให้ถ่องเเท้ว่าใครอยู่เบื้องหลัง เรียกร้องอะไรเเละเพื่อใคร และบทสรุปมันจบอย่างไร เมื่อมองโลกแล้วก็หันมาส่องกระจกมองตัวเองว่าเราฉลาดพอแล้วไหมที่จะทำตามเค้า

October 20, 2020 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Easily lured by platitudes, poetry, and themes stolen from fictional stories - youth across Asia - led by US government-funded opposition groups - are being organized into a regional front aimed at confronting China and crippling the economic prosperity of the region. 

Across the US government's own policy papers and statements - the notion of maintaining American "primacy" over Asia specifically requires that Asia itself is unable to rise economically or militarily independent of the United States and its Western allies. This was not only the entire crux of America's "Pivot to Asia" but also the unifying theme of Washington's current trade war with China. 

Reuters in its article, "Hong Kong activists rally in support of Thai protesters," now admits that Thai and Hong Kong protesters are co-organizing protests in Thailand and China - claiming (emphasis added): 

Links have grown between protesters in Thailand and Hong Kong in a movement called the "Milk Tea Alliance", referring to drinks popular in both places. Seen as advocating for democracy, the movement's netizens in Hong Kong, Thailand and Taiwan have unleashed a wave of online criticism of China.

Reuters never explains what "criticism of China" has to do with "democracy" in Thailand - and while the article notes "links" between Thai and Hong Kong protests - it never mentions the most important link - US government funding. 

The US Funds Regional Unrest Aimed at China, Hiding Behind "Democracy"  

While individual movements in Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, and now Laos are supposedly pursuing "democracy" and "freedom" - demands made by protesters have been ambiguous with the only concrete aspects of their protests being the economic impact and instability they are creating and their increasingly transparent, coordinated campaign aimed at China.

So much so does the "Milk Tea Alliance" echo of US State Department talking points that it is not a surprise to find that movement that belongs to the alliance is funded by the US government.

READ MORE: The Complete Guide: US Government Role in Thailand's "Student Protests" 
READ MORE: Pro-US "Milk Tea Alliance" Role in Thai Protests Admitted by Reuters

US-funded riots in Hong Kong took on an anti-Chinese tone from the very beginning - with demands for "independence" and the preservation of British colonial dictates being at the center of their movement. 

In Thailand - what had begun as a bid to reverse the opposition's lose in 2019 general elections through extralegal street mobs - has quickly and predictably morphed into an attack on Thailand's institutions - particularly the military, monarchy, and the nation's largest businesses - all in a bid to undermine or entirely uproot those who have pivoted the nation toward Beijing. 

Protesters in Thailand are now - daily - blocking Thai roads in order to both curse the Thai government and complain about China - Thailand's most important economic partner. 

Those who stand to take power should the current Thai government step down include union-busting billionaire Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit who ran on a platform  in 2019's elections - and lost - of reversing Thai-Chinese relations including the cancellation of high-speed rail lines already under construction in exchange for US-made "hyperloop" technology which doesn't even exist yet. 

With news that online accounts in Laos are attempting to "link" with the Thai-Hong Kong protesters - a the entire route of China's high-speed rail project would now appear to be under attack by US-funded agitators just as the US did in MyanmarXinjiangPakistan, and many other regions of the world. 

READ MORE: Militants Threaten China's OBOR Initiative in Myanmar 
READ MORE: This Map Shows a Trillion-Dollar Reason Why US Backs Terrorism in Xinjiang
READ MORE: Destabilizing Pakistan: Bookending Washington's China Policy

Before 2019 elections, Thanathorn even travelled to America to lobby for support ahead of polls. 

China is now Thailand's largest trade partner, foreign investor, source of tourism, arms supplier, and a key partner in several major infrastructure projects including the nation's 5G telecommunications network and a high-speed rail system that will connect Thailand to China via Laos. 

Thanathorn and the protests he and his US sponsors are organizing seek to reverse these crucial economic, defense, and infrastructure ties with China - and just like Thanathorn's plans for Thailand's high-speed rail - he has no viable solution to replace these ties once they are undone.  

READ MORE: Thanathorn Wants Help Making Thailand Like America

While current protesters list the economy as one of their grievances - it is clear that by attacking Thailand's relationship with China - it would take the current temporary economic downturn spurred by the COVID-19 crisis - and transform it into irreversible, permanent economic collapse.

Like in Hong Kong, the US Funds Every Aspect of Thailand's Street Mobs 

The bulk of protesters in Thailand's streets are there because they have been manipulated - but virtually every organization leading or supporting the protests - including manipulating the public - are funded by the US government. 

The US National Endowment for Democracy's (NED) own official website lists these organizations as well as the amount of money the NED admits it gives to them annually.

The US government through the NED funds the Union for Civil Liberty which includes core protest leader Anon Nampa's Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR), Internet Law Reform Dialogue - also known as iLaw - which is attempting to have Thailand's constitution rewritten, and media outfits like Isaan Record and Prachatai which is listed as the "Foundation for Community Educational Media." 

READ MORE: Why is the US Funding Protesters to Attack Thailand's Military and Monarchy?

The US-backed billionaire-led opposition - which includes Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit and fugitive billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra - also plays a large roll with their own media organizations and political machinery used to manipulate and divide the public, marshal numbers in the streets, and fund logistical aspects of the protests. 

As "Arab Spring" Comes to Asia - So Will Similar Death, Destruction, and Economic Collapse 

The US - a waning global power - is unlikely to "win" in its contest with China. Its bid to reorganize Asia is similar to its attempts to do likewise in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) during the so-called "Arab Spring" in 2011. 

The "Arab Spring" was also predicated on "promoting democracy," but of all the things that "sprung" during it - democracy was not one of them. 

Instead - the MENA region has been plunged into war, terrorism, economic disaster, the dissolution of the entire nation of Libya, the near total destruction of Syria, and an ongoing war in Yemen the UN lists as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.  

While the US stood little chance of conquering the MENA region in 2011 - it has succeeded in transforming potential economic partners and military allies for Russia and China into smoldering ruins Moscow and Beijing are now spending resources on stabilizing and rebuilding. 

Thailand's Youth Must Look at the World, Then Look in the Mirror 

Youths in Thailand need to ask themselves if copying the "Hong Kong" model is really a smart idea - considering US-funded unrest in Hong Kong failed. 

Youths in Thailand must also ask themselves where they really see their activities leading - as "springs" elsewhere around the globe - without exception - have only led to national tragedy, perpetual violence, economic destruction, and in some cases the loss of sovereignty - as in Libya, Iraq, and Ukraine. 

The US is leading Asia's youth into a blind alley solely to hinder China's rise as well as the rise of nations who have chosen to do business with it - including Thailand. The US does so deliberately knowing the consequences it will have on nations where this unrest spreads unchecked. 

And if protesters believe that this is not the case - they need to specifically state as much - expose and uproot all aspects of US funding, support, and influence from their movement - including the support they themselves have asked for from the Western media and US-funded fronts posing as NGOs including Thai Lawyers for Human Rights, iLaw, Prachatai, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and many more. 

And if Thailand's youth cannot do this - cannot sustain themselves without foreign aid - it is an acknowledgement that the majority are not behind their movement and that it has ultimately nothing then to do with democracy. 

The "growth" of their movement is not owed to the merit of their ideas or agenda - but on the deep pockets of its foreign sponsors and the endless wave of propaganda produced by the Western media aimed at manipulating and dividing the Thai public.  

READ MORE: Weaponized Social Media Fuels "Youth" Protests 

It also means either an acknowledgement that the protesters are knowingly engaged in foreign-funded sedition - deliberately attempting to repeat the chaos and consequences suffered by targets of Washington's "Arab Spring" - or an acknowledgement that they are oblivious to matters of statecraft and thus have no business in politics.