US Comes Out to Defend Anti-Government Mobs it is Funding in Thailand
September 19, 2020September 19, 2020 (Tony Cartalucci - ATN) - The US government who has twice attempted to deny funding Thailand's anti-government mobs, has now come out openly defending the protests just ahead of a major rally being organized for later today.
The US House Foreign Affairs Committee in a social media post demanded:
The U.S.-Thai alliance is underpinned by respect for democratic values & human rights. I urge Bangkok to reaffirm commitment to these norms by respecting citizens' right to free assembly & expression ahead of & during [weekend's] gathering.
The statement echos similar demands the US government made to China in regards to mobs the US was funding and organizing in Hong Kong.
Despite the US denying any role in Thailand's current anti-government protests, virtually every aspect of the unrest has been funded by the US government, primarily through the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the US Agency for Global Media, and its subsidiary - the Open Technology Fund.
READ MORE: The Complete Guide: US Government Role in Thailand's "Student Protests"
The US NED funds organizations such as "Thai Lawyers for Human Rights" (TLHR) whose lawyer Anon Nampa is a core leader of the protests. TLHR also provides free legal services to other protest leaders and organizations.
The US NED also funds media groups promoting the protests including Prachatai and the Isaan Record.
US government funding is also going to an organization called "Internet Law Reform Dialogue" or "iLaw" involved in petitioning for the rewriting of Thailand's constitution. It's US-funded tents have been seen at virtually every rally, big or small, across the country attempting to collect signatures to force the government to rewrite Thailand's highest laws.
Groups like "Assembly of the Poor" who supply rallies with actual protesters is also listed on the US NED's official website under "Thai Poor Act."
One of the protest leaders who announced the September 19th rally - Parit "Penguin" Chiwarak - has been revealed to have visited the US Embassy on at least two occasions to discuss Thailand's internal political affairs with the US ambassador.
The US Agency for Global Media through its subsidiary - the Open Technology Fund - has created communication tools US-funded organizations have been distributing to protesters ahead of the rally later today.
READ MORE: CONFIRMED: US-funded Communication Tools Distributed to Thai Mob
With the US government now more openly demanding "space" for agitators it has organized and funded - Thailand is likely at the edge of a deliberate attempt by the US-funded opposition to escalate, just as was seen in Hong Kong.
READ MORE: US-Funded Agitators in Hong Kong Back Thai Protests
The fact that Thailand's US-funded opposition openly identifies with likewise US-funded protesters in Hong Kong as part of the so-called "Milk Tea Alliance" is only further damning evidence that Thailand is not witnessing domestic protests, but a concerted, US campaign of destabilization aimed at the current government's close and growing ties with China.