Fraternity Buys $7,500 Worth of White Claws Despite National Shortage
September 11, 2019Look, we respect Megan Thee Stallion, but she picked the wrong year for her "Hot Girl Summer." The song and the video both slap but, come on—we all know that we're living in and still sweating through the last few weeks of a White Claw Summer. It's been such a White Claw Summer that police departments have taken it upon themselves to remind everyone that there are, in fact, laws when you're drinking Claws, and everyone's collective thing for hard seltzer has contributed to an ongoing nationwide Claw shortage.
Despite the fact that Black Cherry and Ruby Grapefruit have probably been written in at the bottom of the endangered species list by now, an as-yet-unnamed fraternity in Austin, Texas somehow still allegedly swooped $7,500 worth of White Claw for itself.
Aaliyah Trevino, who works at an H-E-B supermarket in Austin, posted a photo of the frat's Claw haul, and said that they left the store with three entire pallets worth. In a second tweet—which she tagged #whiteclawshortage—she showed their entire plastic wrapped order. "Gotta spend their dads money somehow," one salty (if potentially accurate) bro responded. "But are you REALLY shocked though?" another person asked.
As Busted Coverage mentioned, Austin is especially thirsty for all things White Claw. On Sunday, Radio Coffee & Beer hosted what it called its 1st Annual White Claw Kiddie Pool Party which, sadly, did not involve emptying an entire variety pack into a kiddie pool. (Instead, its customers could sit in boring-ass water pools while they downed the bar's new Piña CLAW-da cocktail.)
As of this writing, no frat has copped to scoring that $7,500 worth of White Claw, and why would they? The last thing they want is for desperate strangers to loiter near their door, nodding their heads toward the house's darkened kitchen, and whispering "Can you Claw me, bro? Please, bro, please."
As far as everyone else's Claw supplies go, the company claims that it's doing what it can to put those cans back on store shelves as fast as it can (but Popeyes has said the same thing about The Sandwich and, yo, we're still waiting).
"We are working around the clock to increase supply given the rapid growth in consumer demand," White Claw's Senior Vice President of Marketing Sanjiv Gajiwala said. "White Claw has accelerated faster than anyone could have predicted."
So crush 'em if you've got 'em, we guess. But don't post that shit on your Insta-stories; the rest of us are struggling out here.