We Talk ‘Ghost Recon Breakpoint’ and Say Farewell to Natalie on Today’s Waypoint Radio
May 10, 2019It’s not true until you record a podcast about it, but yes: Natalie is leaving Waypoint. To send her off, we decided to, uh, talk about the latest Ghost Recon game for an hour?? After “doing our jobs” in which we “talk about video games,” the question bucket is opened for Austin, Natalie, Rob, Danielle, Cado, and Patrick, in which they answer everything from “What character, real or fictional, should become a keyblade master?” to “What boat are you?” Goodbye, Natalie. You’ll be missed.
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Interaction with you is a big part of this podcast, so make sure to send any questions you have for us to gaming@vice.com with the header "Questions." (Without the quotes!) We can't guarantee we'll answer all of your questions, but rest assured, we'll be taking a look at them.