Amidst Inflation Scare, Price War intensifies between Costco, Target, Walmart
You’re not imagining things. Stuff is a little bit cheaper at Costco, Target, Walmart, and Kroger this year.
Hard hitting global and local news
You’re not imagining things. Stuff is a little bit cheaper at Costco, Target, Walmart, and Kroger this year.
In real terms, workers make 0.3% more per hour than a year ago, assuming one believes the BLS CPI Statistics.
First-quarter US productivity was a disappointing 0.4%. Manufacturing productivity declined 1.2%. Wages rose 2.9%.
Things are about to heat up in the EU. Italy’s ministers threaten the EU/EMU with mass deportations.
Winning currency wars is easy. As with trade wars, one may not care for the end result.
Trump claims US farmers are treated unfairly. So what does he do? Enters trade wars that hurt US farmers.
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A Spiegel editorial compares Italy with a moocher who fails to say thank you for a donation.
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