Myanmar: Trading in the Devil You Know…
Continue reading here: Myanmar: Trading in the Devil You Know…
Hard hitting global and local news
Continue reading here: Myanmar: Trading in the Devil You Know…
Massive Collapse in Trucking Shipments Every Month Since June A chart of the DAT freight index posted on CCJ Indicators shows a huge, ongoing collapse in trucking shipments. " Spot freight falls 15 percent: The amount of freight available on the spot market fell 15 percent in November from October, DAT reported last week.
Meanwhile my main theme for Q3 and Q4 of this year – the price of capital rising continues – I don’t need to remind you but it has been carnage. Tactical I leave 2015 risk wise very light on positions – my price signals are not flashing yet, and the only positions I will want to own are upside in crude (WTI), Gold/Silver, and a weaker US$
Link: Philly Fed Back in Contraction, Index Below Any Economist’s Guess
KELLY: But you built an airport in Mexico, right? ZELL: No, we built a border crossing. KELLY: Border crossing, yes, sorry.
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Paradigm Change: Saxo Bank’s Ten Outrageous Predictions for 2016: Slide Show Every year, Saxo Bank CIO and chief economist Steen Jakobsen comes up with a selection of " outrageous " predictions for the new year. Note: This is not the official Saxo forecast, but I do believe many of the ideas below are in-line with their general direction on things. The predictions are not all that outrageous
Visit site: Fed Hikes: Range Moves to 1/4 to 1/2 Range; Fed Signals Four More Hikes in 2016
See the original post: Industrial Production Declines Most in 3.5 Years, Down Eighth Time in Ten Months
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