Final 3rd Quarter GDPNow Forecast vs. Consensus Estimates Ahead of 3rd Quarter GDP Release
See the article here: Final 3rd Quarter GDPNow Forecast vs. Consensus Estimates Ahead of 3rd Quarter GDP Release
Hard hitting global and local news
See the article here: Final 3rd Quarter GDPNow Forecast vs. Consensus Estimates Ahead of 3rd Quarter GDP Release
Crain’s Chicago Business reports Emanuel Gets His Huge Property Tax Hike . The City Council has approved Mayor Emanuel’s bad-news city budget, including plans for a record $543 million city property tax hike over the next four years
Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Eli Rabett is a not quite failed professorial techno-bunny, a chair election from retirement, at a wanna be research university that has a lot to be proud of but has swallowed the Kool-Aid. The students are naive but great and the administrators vary day-to-day between homicidal and delusional. His colleagues are smart, but they have a curious inability to see the holes that they dig for themselves
Read More: EU Rules Bitcoin is a Currency, US Says Bitcoin is a Commodity; Which Side is Correct? What About…
Tweet Science is understanding data, not data. Science requires data, and it requires models to understand the data. The best models will be based on well established principles of physics, chemistry and biology.
Has the global economy stabilized in the last month? Of course not. Have the risks receded
Links The Life and Death of a Russian Soldier The West ignores its own veteran suicides, and seeks to use those in other countries for propaganda value. October 28, 2015 (Op-Ed by Dmitry Vorsin – Treacherous Treat ) – On the early morning of August 6, 1915, the German offensive against the Russian fortress of Osowiec begun with a wicked trick against humanity – a gas attack. The defenders refused to yield even after on of the most brutal artillery bombardments in history, but even when the fortress itself was reduced to rubble, the surviving Russian soldiers used stones and craters for protection
Follow this link: Slovenia Calls on Army, Private Security Forces, Ponders Article 222 for EU Military Aid to Halt Flow…