Reducing Geoff Marcy-type behavior in climatology
October 25, 2015 Blogger profile said… Here’s your problem, Eli.By segmenting and assigning blame unearned and unwarranted amongst a whole 50% (nearly) of the population, you will alienate most of the people you wish to reach.And even more so when this happens:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3260279/Babysitter-sex-11-year-old-escapes-jail.htmland there is no discussion about reducing this sort of child rape in the babysitter community.Because it shows that only men as a group are responsible for the actions of their group (much like anti-muslim tirades never applying to Christians when one of their kind does some murdering or terrorising, it’s never because of Christianity then, and no Christian is asked to apologise for it).When one of your children breaks something by running round the house, do you blame ALL your children for breaking things and say "This sort of thing needs to stop!"? No, you explain to ALL your children that "this is why we don’t run round the house"
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Reducing Geoff Marcy-type behavior in climatology