Month: July 2015

July 11, 2015 0

Paris Ramadan Stunt: A Comedian, a Propagandist, and the Social Engineers

By News Desk

Leading the charge was career Neo-Conservative propagandist Robert Spencer , long-ago exposed at the center of other manufactured stunts including the "Ground Zero Mosque " and more recently, a shooting in Texas during a "Mohamed Drawing Contest." Regarding Hasnaoui’s tasteless joke, Spencer’s website, "Jihad Watch," shamelessly posted a headline reading, " Paris: Muslim overturns restaurant tables, shouts “People can’t eat, it’s Ramadan!†," before concluding: It’s simple: in Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities.

July 9, 2015 0

Drachma Sightings Appear on Hotel Bill

By News Desk

Bloomberg reports Long-Feared Currency Makes Fleeting Appearance on Reporter’s Bill . Between June 28 and July 4 at a Hilton hotel in Athens, transactions on a Bloomberg reporter’s Visa credit card issued by Citigroup Inc

July 9, 2015 0

Ready to Compromise?

By News Desk

But we do have this headline Tsipras Seeks to Rush Austerity Package Through Greek Parliament . The Greek government is preparing to rush a package of economic reforms and austerity measures through parliament as early as Friday in a bid to convince its eurozone creditors it is committed to striking a deal for a third bailout that would save it from crashing out of the euro.