Rabbit-Hole Math: Chicago Proposes Bonds that Make No Periodic Payments; When Does Stupidity Stop?
Taken from: Rabbit-Hole Math: Chicago Proposes Bonds that Make No Periodic Payments; When Does Stupidity Stop?
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Taken from: Rabbit-Hole Math: Chicago Proposes Bonds that Make No Periodic Payments; When Does Stupidity Stop?
Reader " AC " occasionally pings me with some interesting comments and perspectives. Here’s another one. Ciao Mish, I wanted just to share some elements to put in perspective things about Greek bailout
The IMF staff told the board of directors Greece Disqualified from New IMF Program .
See the original post: Police State "Ministry of Truth" Hits Spain; Man Fined for Calling Police "Slackers" on Facebook
Read the original: Which Will It Be: United States of Europe OR United States of Germany?
See the article here: GDP Bounce: Disappointing Mixed Bag of Expectations and Revisions; Where to From Here?
View article: Play it again Uncle Sam – climate action for the next president without Congressional approval
Versus Versace Victoria Beckham With so many "designers": Would anyone really know if you had a designer bag or something similar?
Fed Sheds No Light, Plays Charades with Media; Tiptoe Balancing Act Fed Says Little, Sheds No Light If the Fed had a clue as to what it will do in September, it likely would have said so. Instead, it reiterated the same hash we have been hearing for years. Here is the complete text of today’s FOMC Press Release