Month: May 2015

May 18, 2015 0

Greece to Face "Take it or Leave it Offer" Just Like Cyprus

By News Desk

The Financial Times discusses the situation in Tsipras Letter Reveals Precariousness of Greece’s Finances . Greece came so close to defaulting on last week’s €750m International Monetary Fund repayment that the prime minister warned IMF chief Christine Lagarde he could not pay it without EU aid

May 15, 2015 0

Bjorn Lomborg demonstrates why universities should steer clear of him

By News Desk

Here’s the exchange in Danish newspapers (emphasis added, some typos corrected): Kare Fog, a critic of Lomborg: …. Lomborg will presumably refer to his Copenhagen Consensus conference, where it is shown with – seemingly – matter-of-fact cost/benefit calculations that it pays better to solve other problems than global warming …..  [The audience members] do not know that t he figures have arisen by discounting calculations and that Lomborg has cheated in these calculations. He has used one discount rate for climate projects, and another discount rate for the remaining projects