Experimental CPI Index; BLS Disclaimer vs. Mish Recommended Disclaimer
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Hard hitting global and local news
Read More: Experimental CPI Index; BLS Disclaimer vs. Mish Recommended Disclaimer
View article: IMF Fears "Taper Tantrum"; Rear View Mirror Discovery
Read the article: Obama Goes After UK, Australia, the World for "Constant China Accommodation"; US Influence Clearly Waning
Tweet Some bunnies have noticed that Matt King Cole, Bjorn Lomborg and the ignorati from the Breakthrough Institute and yet others are crocadiling about how Africa needs coal to generate electricity, never mind that right now the majority of the countryside and small villages would do better with solar or wind. Â As Eli has pointed out , this is mostly because the costs of building out the distribution network is not zero, far from it, and small village based solar powered grids are less expensive. Of course, none of these folks figure in the costs and difficulties of maintaining an electrical, gas or electric transmission network in these countries, where people have the habit of borrowing power, power lines and gas
Visit site: Putin Prepared to Use Nukes to Keep Crimea; Wild Rumors of Putin Missing Debunked
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In every Brazilian state, people have had enough, Hundreds of Thousands March in Brazil to Protest Rousseff .
How Long Before Cash is Banned? Posted by Michael Shedlock at 12:42 AM Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy.