Head-Banging Revisited; Obama’s ‘Have-It-All’ Budget; Mish Proposal
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Hard hitting global and local news
Continue reading here: Head-Banging Revisited; Obama’s ‘Have-It-All’ Budget; Mish Proposal
Read More: Nestles Has First Ever Negative Interest Corporate Bond; Privilege of Lending Gone Mad
In a interview yesterday on Zeit Online, Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis admitted the obvious truth: "I’m the Finance Minister of a Bankrupt Country" . It took an amazing amount of time to admit the obvious truth, but the important point is the truth is finally on the table. Effectively, Greece finally admitted that it has no more funds to pay the bully
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Alexis Tsipras politely blasted the alleged German " generosity " in a letter to the German newspaper Handelsblatt. (See Alexis Tsipras "Open Letter" to German Citizens Regarding Extend-and-Pretend Unserviceable Debt ). I happen to agree with that letter in entirety, even though I strong disagree with other Syriza positions.
Link: Voter Sentiment in Spain Shifts Towards Podemos in Growing Numbers
On February 3, the Wall Street Journal reported Australia Cuts Interest Rates to Record Low . Australia cut its benchmark interest rate to a record low of 2.25% Tuesday, joining a procession of central banks that have eased policy settings this year in response to the deflationary impact of tumbling oil prices.
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