Historic Hype Over Global Warming Agreement With China; CO2 vs. Death-by-Pollution
What will China’s emissions be in 2030 by the time China’s cap kicks in? Is this deal worth the accompanied hype?
Hard hitting global and local news
What will China’s emissions be in 2030 by the time China’s cap kicks in? Is this deal worth the accompanied hype?
David Victor and Charles Kennel enjoyed that one 5.    The global scientific community has made clear that human activity is already changing the world’s climate system.
I picked up the video above from Reason.Com Watch Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber Explain Why "Lack of Transparency" Was Key to Passing the Health Care Law . Complete Quote Gruber: "This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
Tweet There has been an ethically lacking attempt by the usual suspects, Lomborg, Pielke, the Breakthrough folk and now Matt Ridley to claim that coal is necessary for the developing world to prosper and we will all be so rich in the future that doing nothing now about climate change does not matter.
Links ISIS is America’s Dream Rebel Army US policy paper reveals desire for construction of full-scale extraterritorial army to invade Syria. Such an army is being built in Iraq and Turkey and it’s called "ISIS." Â November 10, 2014 ( Tony Cartalucci – NEO ) – The corporate-financier funded and directed policy think tank, the Brookings Institution, has served as one of several prominent forums documenting and disseminating US foreign policy. It would host in part the architects of the so-called "surge" during the nearly decade-spanning US occupation of Iraq, as well as battle plans for waging a covert war against Iran now well under way.