Month: September 2014

September 25, 2014 0

Turkey Preparing for Syria Occupation?

By News Desk

Turkey in particular has served as a safe haven for ISIS terrorists for the past 3-4 years . In fact, maps showing ISIS’ territory across the Western media have clearly defined corridors leading directly from Turkish territory. The billions in cash, weapons, equipment, and even vehicles used to build what is now a mercenary force contesting power simultaneously in three nations – Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq – were provided by nations like Saudi Arabia and Qatar and funneled into terrorist hands by US CIA agents operating along Turkey’s border with Syria.  Despite the rhetorical shell game of renaming this mercenary force to confuse an unwitting public, no other explanation accounts for the scale of ISIS’ operations beyond concerted multinational state-sponsorship

September 25, 2014 0

Perfect Timing: NATO-Backed Terror Group Kills French Tourist

By News Desk

In a   2007 West Point Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) report   and a 2011 CTC report, " Are Islamist Extremists Fighting Among Libya’s Rebels? ," AQIM is specifically mentioned as working closely with the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) in NATO-backed efforts to overthrow the Libyan government.

September 24, 2014 0

Law of Excuses: It’s Always Something (But Never the Right Thing)!

By News Desk

For example and via translation from La Vanguardia, France Blames Deficit on Jihadist Terrorism, Lack of Inflation . French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, said today that his country’s military missions against jihadist terrorism, along with public investment in education and security make it difficult to meet deficit limits

September 24, 2014 0

Miracle Not Enough to Save Italy; Disruptive Eurozone Breakup Awaits

By News Desk

Financial Times writer Wolfgang Münchau provides an excellent example in Italy Debt Burden is a Problem For Us All . Münchau’s opening gambit is " We need extreme and co-ordinated policy to make it possible for Italy to ultimately stay in the eurozone. " Münchau states, " I think it is high time to address the consequences of failure with more clarity than is usually done

September 24, 2014 0

US Aggression Drags World into Age of Global Anarchy

By News Desk

What’s more is that the so-called "moderates" the US claims it will arm, fund, and provide aircover for have been openly fighting along side, and even within the ranks of ISIS, Al Nusra, and other overt terrorist organizations . The Daily Beast would report in its article, " Al Qaeda Plotters in Syria ‘Went Dark,’ U.S. Spies Say ," that (emphasis added):  One Syrian rebel group supported in the past by the United States condemned the air strikes on Tuesday

September 24, 2014 0

US Strike on Syria is Desperation Incarnate

By News Desk

The fact remains that the only genuine fight against Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist groups in the region, has been led by the Syrian government and its military .  Carving Off a "Terror Capital" for the West’s Proxies  Whatever it is that the US and its "Arab partners" are attacking in Syria at the moment, it is assuredly not ISIS.