Spanish 10-Year Bond Yield Lowest Since at Least 1789; Reflections on Absurd Risk Assumptions
ZeroHedge picked up on this as well, in his post: The Great Insanity In Context (200 Years Of European Bonds) , citing France and Italy as well as Spain.
Hard hitting global and local news
ZeroHedge picked up on this as well, in his post: The Great Insanity In Context (200 Years Of European Bonds) , citing France and Italy as well as Spain.
Tweet While fairly distrustful and always on the lookout for inside knife work, Eli has come to recognize that sometime you have to wait to the end to understand what has happened. This was the case, with the Monnett issue . There, even after it was explained to him, Michael Tobis was simply too full of good will to accept Eli’s explanation.
Read the original: Ukraine Opens Talks with Russia; New President Promises Peace Making Efforts; Bombing of Slavyansk Continues Anyway
Female hurricanes are deadlier than male hurricanes PNAS 2014 : 1402786111v1-201402786. Eli’s POV is that this was pitched to the freakonomics crowd masquerading as journalists who were happy to roll with it. There are, as they say, issues, and Eli will simply outsource those to Jeremy Freese , Andrew  Gelman , Harold Brooks and Bob  O’Hara . Bottom line, as Brooks points out is that these clowns are building a model for a fictitious, but churn baiting effect. Why churn
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Originally posted here: Looking to Drastically Reduce College Costs? Study Abroad!