Last Minute Concessions and Unreasonable Demands
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Read this article: Last Minute Concessions and Unreasonable Demands
Link: How Much Gold Should Someone Own? Where and How To Own It?
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Tweet Splendid food fights have broken out at the Weasel’s , Willard Tony’s and Jo Nova’s about Junior Rocket Scientist David Evans New Notch Delay Solar Theory. Eli will let David summarize this We assume the system from solar radiation (TSI) to surface temperature is linear and invariant, so we use sinusoids and frequencies to do the analysis.
The Center for Immigration Studies reports All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants . Actually, greater than 100% of jobs went to immigrants because the number of non-immigrants holding a job is negative, and the total must equal 100%. On a population adjusted basis, the numbers look horrific