Month: April 2014

April 8, 2014 0

A Tale of Two Protests: Ukraine and Thailand – End Game

By News Desk

Links A Tale of Two Protests: Ukraine and Thailand – End Game April 8, 2014 ( Tony Cartalucci – NEO ) – Nothing illustrates the bottomless hypocrisy of the West’s alleged principles more than its stance on two simultaneously unfolding political conflicts – one raging in Eastern Europe’s Ukraine, the other in Southeast Asia’s Thailand. Not only is the West’s rhetorical stance on each protest hypocritical, but the support they have demonstrably lent to players in each conflict illustrates a troubling pattern of foreign special interests meddling in, and shaping the future of nations around the world. Such meddling is divergent of any principle it is generally done in the name of, with such principles serving merely as a facade behind which the West advances its hegemonic designs