March 15, 2014
USAmerikaner Exceptionalism BRDeutscher Unhappiness
By News DeskSee more here: USAmerikaner Exceptionalism BRDeutscher Unhappiness
Hard hitting global and local news
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Read the original: Harvard Professor Frankel Proposes "ECB Should Buy US Treasuries" to Fix Eurozone Problems
More here: Corrupt Politicians on the Take (Another Addition to the Law of Bad Ideas); Losing Respect for Governor Christie
Monckton of Brenchley , Edinburgh  A: In the early days of weather observations, there was rather poor coverage of the world, and most thermometers were in Europe and North America, and they were not necessarily well-sited using standardised enclosures. Interpreting the early data is therefore not straightforward, as there are various possible biases in the observations that should properly be allowed for, and there are also problems in dealing with the non-uniform spatial coverage. Several groups routinely produce and maintain long-term estimates of global and regional temperature, and they all try to manage these difficulties in different ways
With the slowdown in China, and global slowdown in general, inquiring minds may be wondering "where is the price of oil headed?" No one can answer that question with certainty, but Saxo Bank has an opinion worth considering. Via email Steen Jakobsen, chief economist of Saxo Bank explains …
More: Qatar’s Isolation a Geopolitical Trick?