Curry vs. Curry
January 20, 2014 0 By News DeskIn Prof. Judith Curry’s testimony she claimed that However, several key elements of the AR5 WGI report point to a weakening of the case for attributing most of the warming to human influences, relative to the previous assessment Lack of warming since 1998 and the growing discrepancies between observations and climate model projections Evidence of decreased climate sensitivity to increases in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations Evidence that sea level rise during 1920 – 1950 is of the same magnitude as in 1993 -2012 Increasing Ant arctic sea ice extent Permit the Rabett to start at the bottom. Eli and the Weasel previously noted Prof. Curry really does not believe that increasing Antarctic sea ice extent casts any doubt of the AR5’s conclusions because she knows why the sea ice in Antarctica has been increasing (or perhaps not increasing as much, that may be another interesting tale of whom do you believe, theory or observation, as a recent preprint casts doubt on the magnitude). In a 2010 PNAS paper, Accelerated warming of the Southern Ocean and its impacts on the hydrological cycle and sea ice Prof
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Curry vs. Curry