Month: November 2013

November 2, 2013 0

What’s the Threat to Our Constitutional Rights?

By News Desk

Vice President Joe Biden: " We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt. " President George W. Bush: "I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system."(For a discussion please see The Most Redeeming Feature of Capitalism is Failure ) Nancy Pelosi said "We have to pass the health care bill to see what’s in it." ( YouTube Video ) Larry Summers says "The central irony of financial crisis is that while it is caused by too much confidence, too much borrowing and lending and too much spending, it can only be resolved with more confidence, more borrowing and lending, and more spending." ( Reuters ) Goering at the Nuremberg Trials Please recall what Reichsmarschall Hermann Wilhelm Göring (in English his name is also spelled as Hermann Goering) Nazi founder of the Gestapo, Head of the Luftwaffe, said at the Nuremberg Trials

November 1, 2013 0

Hollande’s Tax Everything Plan Blows Sky High With Riots by Farmers; Hollande Backs Down on Ecotax, on a Tax on Savings, On Corporate Earnings;…

By News Desk

Bloomerg reports Tax Revolts Hit Hollande as Farmers, Soccer Clubs Protest . French President Francois Hollande’s taxes, among the world’s highest, have made strange bedfellows out of the country’s soccer clubs and farmers in Brittany. Revolts against a series of levies have erupted with protests by farmers in Brittany against a trucking tax on Oct

November 1, 2013 0

Al Qaeda Terrorists Pass US Special Forces, CIA Agents on Way to Syria

By News Desk

November 1, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) – A recent Daily Telegraph article reveals that armies of Al Qaeda terrorists are using NATO-member Turkey as a springboard for their invasion of neighboring Syria. NATO is the chief executor of the so-called “War on Terror,” started in 2001 after Al Qaeda terrorists allegedly flew four passenger planes into various targets on America’s east coast, including the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon