Month: May 2013

May 31, 2013 0

Intellectual Dishonesty and Insanity on Steroids

By News Desk

I just finished reading The Smith/Klein/Kalecki Theory of Austerity by Paul Krugman and I believe it is the most disingenuous piece he has ever written. Krugman comes out blazing with the statement ” Noah Smith recently offered an interesting take on the real reasons austerity garners so much support from elites, no matter how badly it fails in practice.

May 30, 2013 0

Portland fluoride vote makes sense given limited information and time

By News Desk

Tweet Voters in Portland have for the umpteenth time stopped fluoridation of their water , not long after my water district voted to fund it here in Santa Clara County. I used to live in Portland and still visit regularly. The city relies on a famous-to-Portland protected watershed for its water supply, the Bull Run watershed near Mount Hood.

May 30, 2013 0

Simmering Feud Between France and Germany Erupts Into Verbal Warfare; France Tells Brussels to Shove It

By News Desk

The exchange got quite interesting when Merkel Allies Bashed Hollande Over Needed Reforms Leading members of Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democratic Union in Germany have fiercely criticised François Hollande, accusing the French president of “shaking the foundations of the European Unionâ€, only hours before the two leaders met in Paris in a bid to repair their troubled relations. Deep German concern about the French government’s resistance to economic reform and hostility to EU pressure emerged after Mr Hollande said it was not for the European Commission “to dictate†reforms to Paris.“There is no need for European recommendations; what’s needed is obvious. It’s not for the commission to dictate what we have to do,†Mr Hollande said in response to the commission, whose call was part of its annual assessment of budget plans for all 27 EU members

May 30, 2013 0

March against Monsanto: Rallying for our Future

By News Desk

May 30, 2013 ( RT – Eric Draitser ) – The worldwide March Against Monsanto this past Saturday was no mere political demonstration. Rather, it was a worldwide mobilization against corporate greed, the assault on our health and environment, and the oppression of small farmers. As the diverse crowd gathered in New York City’s Union Square on an unseasonably cold and rainy Memorial Day weekend – just as they did in hundreds of cities around the world – it was clear that Monsanto and the issue of health and food sovereignty transcends political ideology.

May 30, 2013 0

EU Requires Spain to Raise Vat

By News Desk

The last thing a country in recession should do is raise taxes. Well, Spain is in a depression, not a recession yet the EU requires Spain to raise the VAT and lower pension benefits within a year . One year.

May 29, 2013 0

Steal this tactic

By News Desk

On opposing the National Rifle Association : What Bloomberg has embarked upon now is nothing less than the construction of a mirror image to the NRA.

May 29, 2013 0

Spain Records Largest First Quarter Deficit in History; Tax Revenues Plunge 6.7% Year-Over-Year; Surprising Comments from German Finance Minister…

By News Desk

Please consider these Google-translated snips from the Libre Mercado report Wolfgang Schäuble supports Rajoy’s policies and Cites "impressive" Results of the Spanish reforms . Schäuble is convinced that "Spain has made enormous progress in recent years under the Government of Mariano Rajoy". So much so that now Spain "has a strong economy, reduced labor costs, has significantly increased its exports and has done a good job in restructuring its banking sector, also after the trial of the Troika"