Month: April 2013

April 10, 2013 0

Fools in Cyprus to Sell Gold, Hike Corporate Taxes to Finance Small Part of Bailout

By News Desk

Whether out of complete stupidity or pressure from the IMF or Brussels (I suspect all three) Cyprus to sell around 400 mln euros worth of gold to partially fund its bailout. Cyprus has agreed to sell excess gold reserves to raise around 400 million euros and help finance its part of its bailout, an assessment of Cypriot financing needs prepared by the European Commission showed.

April 9, 2013 0

Meta-analysis in the middle

By News Desk

Tweet My general view both in general and as a policymaker in my small local-office pond is that a widely held (few expert dissenters) and strongly held (high confidence) consensus position might as well be a fact as far as the policymaking is concerned . A contradictory study is just that, a study. If it turns out to be accurate, then the consensus will eventually fracture soon enough and create problems for policymakers, but there’s no need or even a rational way for policymaking to jump the gun