From Smoldering Ashes Comes Good News of Reality
By News DeskIt’s easy enough to focus on the smoldering ashes of the politically and economically insane move in Cyprus by the heavy-handed bureaucrats in Brussels and Germany. Instead, I suggest we focus on the bright side, and there is plenty to be found. The nannycrats have been permanently exposed as liars Trust is gone Everyone can now clearly see that deposit guarantees were a lie Realization has set in that in spite of nannycrat denial, this will happen again The move in Cyprus will strengthen the Five Star Movement in Italy The move in Cyprus will embolden the separatists in Spain The move in Cyprus will strengthen UKIP in Great Britain The move in Cyprus is even likely to strengthen Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) Eurobonds and joint budgets are exposed as dead In Germany, Merkel is likely to have won a Pyrrhic victory (if indeed she won anything at all) Sensible people now realize all this talk of European solidarity is a gigantic lie Even ardent supporters of the eurozone are now starting to question its existence That is one heck of a lot of good things for the bargain basement price of a mere €5.8 billion