Month: March 2013

March 23, 2013 0

Have some denial spaghetti

By News Desk

Ridley doesn’t look very good, and his escape attempts don’t work . Anyway, I want to play: Lindzen is from his 2004 prediction that temps were as likely to go down as up in 20 years, and his offer to bet over that prediction that he ran away from as fast as his denialist legs could take him (by insisting on unscientific odds in his favor).

March 23, 2013 0

Earth Hour 2013 – Still a Despicable Hoax (repost)

By News Desk

Earth Hour: A Despicable Hoax “Earth Hour” special by Tony Cartalucci , Originally posted March 26, 2011 – Nothing embodies the corporate hijacked environmental movement more than the despicable hoax that is “Earth Hour.” Once a year, we are bombarded worldwide by a feel-good advertising campaign on TV, radio, billboards, fliers, in the newspaper and in every other conceivable way for an event that involves turning off the lights for one hour per year, to ” take a stand against climate change .” Image : What Al Gore doesn’t tell you: CO2 has been 1000’s of times higher during the Cretaceous period and sea levels have been so high North America featured an inland sea. …. Not only has science failed to prove that anthropogenic climate change is happening – to the extent proponents like the White House’s John Holdren have relabeled “Global Warming” to “Global Climate Change” to the now most ambiguous version, “Global Climate Disruption,” but the evidence suggests that the “scientists” peddling this theory have defrauded the public again and again.

March 23, 2013 0

The Egg Was First, No, the Chicken, No Never Mind

By News Desk

The Egg Was First, No, the Chicken, No Never Mind An evergreen in Eli’s business is which came first exiting the ice age, the temperature or the greenhouse gas concentrations.  Since the forcing is orbital changes, it is reasonable to expect at least some initial lag in the greenhouse gas and that includes water vapor, but the length of this lag has been an issue ever since Monnin, et al’s analysis of the EPICA Dome C core inferred a lag of 800 + 200 years.  This has become an evergreen amongst the less serious, and indeed, there has even been considerable discussion by reasonable folk . Jeff Severinghaus provided an answer So one should not claim that greenhouse gases are the major cause of the ice ages. No credible scientist has argued that position (even though Al Gore implied as much in his movie)

March 22, 2013 0

Hollande Announces 20 "Confidence Shock" Measures to Support Home Building

By News Desk

Sticking with his economically insane campaign promise to construct 500,000 new homes in 2013, Hollande Announces 20 Measures to Support Home Building . Advocating a “confidence shock” to revive the building “against the Emergency Economic, social and environmental” the head of state has shown its desire to remove “all obstacles to construction”, while there was about 340,000 starts of new homes in 2012, below the target of 500,000.

March 22, 2013 0

Get While the Gettin’ is Good

By News Desk

The understatement of the day comes from Fed chairman Ben Bernanke who essentially says: I’m Dispensable . “I don’t think that I’m the only person in the world who can manage the exit,” Bernanke said when asked at a news conference in Washington if he’s discussed his plans with President Barack Obama. What Bernanke said is best translated as ” I’ll get while the gettin’ is good.

March 22, 2013 0

Good Tidings

By News Desk

Back at the beginning of time, well, to be honest Rabett Run, but did anything exist before, Eli had two excellent rants ( Rant I and Rant II ) about textbook prices and the machinations of the publishers. As you may have noticed in the US when your kid goes to college, the price of General Chemistry textbooks has shattered the $200 barrier.  On the other hand, in markets where students are free to buy their own books, the price is much lower. For example, the International paperback edition (you can only get the hardcover in the US) costs ~$80 list and you can get it discounted.  It is even less expensive in less expensive countries, which brings Eli to the law.