March 6, 2013 (LD) – US corporate-financier funded think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), declared in its ” post-Chávez checklist for US policymakers ,” that the US must move quickly to reorganize Venezuela according to US interests. Upon its checklist were “key demands”: The ouster of narco-kingpins who now hold senior posts in government The respect for a constitutional succession The adoption of meaningful electoral reforms to ensure a fair campaign environment and a transparent vote count in expected presidential elections; and The dismantling of Iranian and Hezbollah networks in Venezuela In reality, AEI is talking about dismantling entirely the obstacles that have prevented the US and the corporate-financier interests that direct it, from installing a client regime and extracting entirely Venezuela’s wealth while obstructing, even dismantling the progress and geopolitical influence achieved by the late President Hugo Chavez throughout South America and beyond. The AEI “checklist” continues by stating: Now is the time for US diplomats to begin a quiet dialogue with key regional powers to explain the high cost of Chávez’s criminal regime, including the impact of chavista complicity with narcotraffickers who sow mayhem in Colombia, Central America, and Mexico.