Month: February 2013

February 25, 2013 0

Italy Senate "Ungovernable"; No Coalition Possible

By News Desk

Grillo 57 Monti 17 There are 315 total seats and the total above is only 301. Although 14 seats remain, not even a Monti-Bersani coalition in addition to those 14 seats would bring Bersani’s total to 158. Curiously, it appears Bersani received a plurality of the Senate popular vote with 32% compared to Berlusconi’s 30.2%.

February 25, 2013 0

"Great Rebalancing" Book Review: Two Thumbs Up; Investment Ideas for Unconventional Times

By News Desk

"Great Rebalancing" Book Review: Two Thumbs Up; Investment Ideas for Unconventional Times With much pleasure, I highly recommend Michael Pettis’ newest book " The Great Rebalancing ". Pettis’ book covers global trade issues with a focus on current events in Asia, Europe, the United States, and the commodity producing nations. Read the book and you will see that much of the "common wisdom" espoused by others on global trade issues is not "wisdom" at all